
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Independent Review - report recommendations: Scottish Government response

Scottish Government's response to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Independent Review Report, published on 15 June 2020.

Response to Recommendations from Chapter 7 – Built Environment: Maintenance

Recommendation 31

31. NHS GG&C should allocate and sustain resources that reflect the QEUH building's continuing need for maintenance above expected levels. (7.7.1)

Scottish Government's Response

This is specifically for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to address, but the Scottish Government agree with this recommendation.

Recommendation 32

32. A re-evaluation is needed of resources specifically to service single rooms, taking account of the increased workload, impact of new technologies and procedures for Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C), and new guidance issued. For future projects, resource based on analysis of the requirement rather than solely historical cost should guide decisions on facilities and estates. New buildings contain sophisticated systems and require requisite skill in monitoring, problem assessment and correction. (7.7.2)

Scottish Government's Response

The Scottish Government will ask the National Centre to consider it as part of a review of single rooms referred to in the response to recommendation 10.

Recommendation 33

33. Those involved in decision making around the design and specification of building services for healthcare buildings need to have (or be able to access) the knowledge and understanding to allow them to make sound judgements on how the design will facilitate access for maintenance. (7.7.3)

Scottish Government's Response

The Scottish Government will ask Health Boards, working in conjunction with the National Centre, to consider how best to implement it.

Recommendation 34

34. HFS should have, as part of the new National Centre for Reducing Risk in the Healthcare Built Environment, a gateway function for construction projects; it should review the criteria for occupation and, post-operational commissioning, to ensure a demonstrable level of Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) undertakings are in place before patients occupy the hospital. (7.7.4)

Scottish Government's Response

The Scottish Government will ensure that this forms part of the work programme of the National Centre.

Recommendation 35

35. An Authorised Person for water safety must be trained and competent as per HSE guidance (L8) and NHS Boards must have sign off for the appointment. (7.7.5)

Scottish Government's Response

The Scottish Government will write to NHS Chief Executives in the new year reminding them of the need to follow such guidance.

Recommendation 36

36. Detailed and explicit guidance on a 'Soft Landings' approach for healthcare should be developed, and this guidance be adopted as mandatory for largescale projects. (7.7.6)

Scottish Government's Response

The 'Soft Landings' approach is already mandated for NHS projects assessed as Building Information Modelling (BIM) Level 2. Scottish Procurement Policy Note 01/2017 requires all building projects with a value over £2 million to use the BIM Grading Tool. Typically NHS projects above £2 million are BIM Level 2, rather than Level 1, which means they are underpinned by the full suite of PAS1192 standards, or where appropriate the newer ISO19650 standards. Both the PAS and ISO standards refer to the use of BS8536-1 as being an essential component part of BIM, which is the Soft Landings British Standard.



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