Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill: evidence assessment

Summary of evidence around the potential impacts of heat network regulation in Scotland.

Acronyms and abbreviations

BEIS: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

BRIA: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

CCC: Committee on Climate Change

CHP: Combined Heat and Power

CIBSE: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

CMA: Competition Markets Authority

CO2: Carbon dioxide

DECC: Department for Energy and Climate Change

DNO(s): Distribution Network Operators

ECO: Energy Company Obligation

EESSH: Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing

EPC: Energy Performance Certificate

FM: Financial Memorandum

FTE: Full Time Equivalent

GDNs: Gas Distribution Network Operations

GWh: Gigawatt hours

HNIP: Heat Networks Investment Programme

IAG: Interdepartmental Analysis Group

kWH: Kilowatt Hour

LCITP: The Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme

LHEES: Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies

LHS: Local Housing Strategy

MMO: Marine Management Organisation

NHS: National Health Service

Ofgem: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets

Ofwat: The Water Services Regulation Authority

OGA: Oil and Gas Authority

SCR: Scottish Charities Regulator

SEEP: Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme

SEPA: Scottish Environment Protection Agency

SHR: Scottish Housing Regulator

SIMD: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises

TWh: Terawatt Hours

WICS: Water Industry Commission for Scotland


Email: James.Hemphill@gov.scot

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