
Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Evidence Review

This evidence review was prepared to support the production of the Scottish Government's Equality Outcomes, with regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

8 References

Accessed 15/8/2012.

Accessed 10/9/2012.

3 Scottish Transgender Alliance

4 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) 'Sexual orientation research review 2008', Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 34, NatCen.
Accessed 20/8/2012

5 Aspinall, p. J. (2009) 'Estimating the size and composition of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual population in Britain' in EHRC Research Report 37.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

6 Scottish Government (2012) 'Topic report: equality groups', in Scottish Health Survey
Accessed 30/10/2012

7 Scottish Government (2008) Challenging Prejudice: Changing Attitudes towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Scotland.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

8 Scottish Government (2008) Scotland's People Annual Report: Results from 2011 Scottish Household Survey,
Accessed 3/4/2013

9 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007), Engendered Penalties: Transgender and Transsexual People's Experiences of Inequality and Discrimination. London: The Equalities Review.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

10 Scottish Needs Assessment Programme 2001

Accessed 14/8/2012.

Accessed 14/8/2012.

13 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) 'Sexual orientation research review 2008', Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 34, NatCen.
Accessed 20/8/2012.

14 Thurlow, C. (2001). 'Naming the 'outsider within': homophobic pejoratives and the verbal abuse of lesbian, gay and bisexual high-school pupils', Journal of Adolescence 24(1): pp. 25-38

15 Creegan, C., Lee, S. and Reynolds, E. (2007). Sexuality - the new agenda: a guide for local authorities on engaging with lesbian, gay and bisexual communities. London: IDeA.

16 Thompson, S. and Johnston, L. (2003). 'Risk factors of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: review of empirical literature and practice implications', Journal of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment 8(2/3): pp. 111-27

17 Dyson, S., Mitchell, A., Smith, A., Dowsett, G., Pitts, M. and Hillier, L. (2003). 'Don't ask, Don't tell. Hidden in the crowd: the need for documenting links between sexuality and suicidal behaviours among young people'. Monograph Series No. 45. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society.;jsessionid=31BC3BF1AEE1F5886EEBFC10D09053C3
Accessed 5/2/2013.

18 Rivers, I. and D'Augelli, A.R. (2001). The victimization of lesbian, gay and bisexual youths, lesbian, gay and bisexual identities and youth: psychological perspectives. New York: NY University Press, pp. 199-223

19 Rivers, I. (2000). 'Social exclusion, absenteeism and sexual minority youth', Support for Learning 15(1): pp. 13-18

20 Renold, E. (2001). 'Learning the 'hard' way: boys, hegemonic masculinity and the negotiation of learner identities in the primary school', British Journal of Sociology of Education 22(3): pp. 370-85

21 TUC (2000). Straight up! Why the law should protect lesbian and gay workers. London: TUC

22 Colgan, F., Creegan, C., McKearney, A. and Wright, T. (2006). Lesbian, gay and bisexual workers' equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace: a qualitative research study. Comparative Organisation and Equality Research Centre (COERC), London Metropolitan University.

23 Frost, S. (2006). 'Employers need to monitor staff sexual orientation', IDS Diversity at Work 28 (October): pp. 21-2.

24 Colgan, F., Creegan, C., McKearney, A. and Wright, T. (2006). Lesbian, gay and bisexual workers' equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace: a qualitative research study. Comparative Organisation and Equality Research Centre (COERC), London Metropolitan University.

25 Guasp, A. and Balfour, J. (2008). Peak performance: gay people and productivity. London: Stonewall

26 Savage, B. (2007). Sexual orientation and religion or belief discrimination in the workplace. London: ACAS

27 Denvir, A., Broughton, A., Gifford, J. and Hill, D. (2007). The experiences of sexual orientation and religion or belief discrimination employment tribunals. London: ACAS

28 Metcalf, H. (2009) 'Pay gaps across the equality strands: a review', EHRC Research Report 14,
Accessed 23/8/2012.

29 Longhi, S. and Platt, L. (2008) 'Pay Gaps Across Equality Areas'. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report No. 9. Manchester: EHRC.

30 Arabsheibani, R., Marin, A. and Wadsworth, J. (2004) 'In the Pink: Homosexual-Heterosexual Wage Differentials in the UK', International Journal Of Manpower, 25, 3-4: 343-54.

Arabsheibani, R., Marin, A. and Wadsworth, J. (2005) 'Gay Pay in the UK', Economica, 72: 333-47.

31 Frank, J. (2006) 'Gay Glass Ceilings', Economica, 73, 291: 485-508.

32 EHRC (2010) 'Chapter 12: Standard of living' in How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review,
Accessed 3/4/2013.

33 Quilgars, D., Jones, A., and Abbott, D. (2008). 'Risky Rainy Days: Who plans for their financial future?' Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Working Paper 22, University of Kent.

Accessed 28/9/2012.

34 Gay and Lesbian Equality Network and NEXUS Research Cooperative (1995) 'Poverty: lesbians and gay men, the economic and social effects of discrimination', Research Paper 19, Combat Poverty Agency.
Accessed 28/9/2012.

35 DWP (2011) Welfare Reform Bill, Universal Credit: Equality impact assessment.
Accessed 17/12/2012.

36 Scottish Government (2011) Hate Crime.
Accessed 11/4/2013.

37 EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 8: Physical Security'. In How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

38 Scottish Government (2012) Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12.
Accessed 28/8/2012.

39 Macpherson, S. and Bond, S., EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08
Accessed 15/8/2012.

40 Morrison, C. and MacKay, A. (2000) The Experience of Violence and Harassment of Gay Men in the City of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

41 EHRC (2010) 'Chapter 8: Physical security' in How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review.
Accessed 3/4/2013.

42 Scottish Government (2011) 'Attitudes to Discrimination and Positive Action' in Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2010
Accessed 18/10/2012.

43 Gadd, D., Farrall, S., Dallimore, D. and Lombard, N. (2002) Domestic Abuse Against Men in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

44 Scottish Government (2011) 2010/2011 Scottish Crime and Justice
Survey: Partner Abuse.
Accessed 8/4/2013.

45 Stonewall (2007) The Equalities Review: Sexual orientation research review. London: Cabinet Office.

46 Hunt, R. and Dick, S. (2008). Serves You Right: Lesbian and gay people's expectations of discrimination. London: Stonewall.

47 Law Society of Scotland (2006) Equality and diversity in the legal profession in Scotland: A Law Society of Scotland Study.

There were 3,017 respondents to the survey and it covered the legal profession in Scotland i.e. not just those solicitors providing legal aid.

48 Scottish Government (Undated) 'What is a public appointment?' in Public Appointments.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

49 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) 'Sexual orientation research review 2008', Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 34, NatCen.
Accessed 20/8/2012

50 Scottish Government (Undated) 'Diversity' in Public Appointments
Accessed 4/4/2013.

51 Scottish Government (2012) 'Topic report: equality groups', in Scottish Health Survey
Accessed 30/10/2012.

52 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) 'Sexual orientation research review 2008', Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 34, NatCen
Accessed 4/10/2012.

53 Creegan, C., Lee, S. and Reynolds, E. (2007). Sexuality - the new agenda: a
guide for local authorities on engaging with lesbian, gay and bisexual
communities. London: IDeA

54 Commission for Social Care Inspection (2008). Putting people first: equality and diversity matters 1: providing appropriate services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. CSCI

55 Scottish Government (2011) Variations in the Experiences of Inpatients in Scotland: Analysis of the 2010 Scottish Inpatient Survey.
Accessed 17/12/2012. Note that an analysis of the 2012 survey results is expected in 2013.

56 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) 'Sexual orientation research review 2008', Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 34, NatCen
Accessed 4/10/2012.

57 Keogh, P., Reid, R. and Weatherburn, P. (2006). Lambeth LGBT matters: the needs and experiences of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans men and women in Lambeth. London: Sigma Research and Lambeth Borough Council Commission for Social Care Inspection (2008). Putting people first: equality and diversity matters 1: providing appropriate services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. CSCI Fish, J. (2007). Reducing health inequalities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people - briefings for health and social care staff. London: Department of Health.

58 EHRC (2010) How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review,
Accessed 3/4/2013.

59 Mitchell, M., Howart, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. 2008 Sexual Orientation Research Review. Research Report 34. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Page 212

60 EHRC and Sporting Equals (Undated) Equality and human rights in sport and physical activity.
Accessed 1/10/2012.

61 Scottish Government (2012) 'Topic report: equality groups', in Scottish Health Survey,
Accessed 30/10/2012.

62 Mitchell, M. and Howarth, C. (2009) 'Transgender research review'. EHRC research report 27. Natcen.
Accessed 17/8/2012.

63 Keogh, P., Reid, D. and Weatherburn, P. (2006), Lambeth LGBT Matters: The Needs and Experiences of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexual and Transgender Men and Women in Lambeth, Lambeth: Sigma Research.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

64 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007) Engendered penalties: transgender and transsexual people's experiences of inequality and discrimination, London: The Equalities Review.

65 Government Equalities Office (2011) Headline findings from our transgender
Accessed 4/4/2013.

66 Scottish Transgender Alliance (Undated) Transgender Good Practice: Employment.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

67 Morton, J. (2008), Transgender Experiences in Scotland: Research Summary, Scottish Transgender Alliance.

68 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007), Engendered Penalties: Transgender and Transsexual People's Experiences of Inequality and Discrimination, London: The Equalities Review.

69 Keogh, P., Reid, D. and Weatherburn, P. (2006), Lambeth LGBT Matters: The Needs and Experiences of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexual and Transgender Men and Women in Lambeth, Lambeth: Sigma Research.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

70 a:gender (2007), Gender Identity and Employment Monitoring: Best Practice Recommendations.

71 Government Equalities Office (2011) Headline findings from our transgender e-surveys.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

72 Whittle, S. (2000), Employment Discrimination and Transsexual People, The Gender Identity Research and Education Society,
Accessed 4/4/2013.

73 EHRC (2010) How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review,
Accessed 3/4/2013.

74 Scottish Transgender Alliance (2008). Transgender Experiences in Scotland Research Summary. Equality Network.
Accessed 28/9/2012.

75 Browne, K. & Lim, J. (2009). Transgender People; Additional Findings Report from Count Me In Too: LGBT Lives in Brighton & Hove. Brighton: Spectrum, 2007. Page 9.

76 DWP (2011) Welfare Reform Bill, Universal Credit: Equality impact assessment.
Accessed 17/12/2012.

77 Scottish Transgender Alliance (2012) 'Housing' in Trans Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Study 2012.
Accessed 5/4/2013.

78 Scottish Transgender Alliance (2008) Transgender experience in Scotland: Research summary.
Accessed 28/8/2012.

79 Stonewall Scotland (2007) Safe and secure? LGBT experiences of social housing in Scotland, February 2007
Accessed 14/8/2012

80 Mitchell, M. and Howarth, C. (2009) 'Transgender research review'. EHRC research report 27. Natcen.
Accessed 17/8/2012.

81 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007), Engendered Penalties: Transgender and Transsexual People's Experiences of Inequality and Discrimination, London: The Equalities Review.

Accessed 10/9/2012.

Accessed 10/9/2012.

84 Scottish Government (2011) Hate Crime.
Accessed 11/4/2013.

85 Crown Office (2012) Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12.
Accessed 20/12/2012.

86 Scottish Transgender Alliance (2008) Transgender experience in Scotland: Research summary.
Accessed 28/8/2012.

87 Macpherson, S. and Bond, S., EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08
Accessed 15/8/2012.

88 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. with Rundall, E. and Thom, B. (2007) Engendered Penalties: transgender and transsexual people's experiences of inequality and discrimination. The Equalities Review. London: Cabinet Office.

89 Government Equalities Office (2011) Headline findings from our transgender e-surveys.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

90 Scottish Government (2011) Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2010: Attitudes to Discrimination and Positive Action
Accessed 18/10/2012.

91 EHRC (2010) How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review,
Accessed 3/4/2013.

92 Whittle, S. Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007). Engendered Penalties: Transgender and Transsexual People's Experiences of Inequality and Discrimination. London: The Equalities Review.

93 Law Society of Scotland (2006) Survey.
There were 3,017 respondents to the survey and it covered the legal profession in Scotland i.e. not just those solicitors providing legal aid.

94 Scottish Government (Undated) Gender Recognition Act 2004
Accessed 5/4/2013.

95 Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.

Accessed 4/10/12

96 Government Equalities Office (2011) Headline findings from our transgender e-surveys.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

97 Mitchell, M. and Howarth, C. (2009) 'Transgender research review'. EHRC research report 27. Natcen.
Accessed 17/8/2012.

98 McNeil, J., Bailey, L., Ellis, S., Morton, J. and Regan, M. (2012) Transgender mental health study 2012

Accessed 4/10/2012

99 Whittle, S., Turner, L. and Al-Alami, M. (2007), Engendered Penalties: Transgender and Transsexual People's Experiences of Inequality and Discrimination, London: The Equalities Review.

100 Laird, N. and Aston, L. (2003), Participatory Appraisal Transgender Research, Glasgow: Beyond Barriers.

101 Morton, J. (2008), Transgender Experiences in Scotland: Research Summary, Scottish Transgender Alliance.
Accessed 11/4/2013

102 Equality Network (2012) Out for sport
Accessed 2/10/2012

103 EHRC (Undated) Equality Act Guidance: Special rules for sports clubs.
Accessed 5/4/2013.

104 Macpherson, S. and Bond, S., EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08
Accessed 15/8/2012.

105 Stonewall (2007) The Equalities Review: Sexual orientation research review. London: Cabinet Office.

106 LGBT Youth Scotland (2012) Education Report.

Accessed 28/9/2012.

107 LGBT Youth Scotland (Undated) Charter of Rights.
Accessed 14/12/2012.

108 LGBT Youth Scotland (Undated) About Us
Accessed 14/12/2012.

109 Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.

Accessed 4/10/12

110 EHRC (2010) How fair is Britain? The first Triennial Review,
Accessed 3/4/2013.

111 Valentine, G., Wood, N. and Plummer, P. (2009). The experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual and Transgender staff and students in higher education. London: Equality Challenge Unit. Chapter 2.

112 Riddell, S., Litjens, J., Ahlgren, L., Weedon, E. and Burns, C. (c. 2005) Equality and diversity in the further education workforce, University of Edinburgh. Accessed 9/10/2012.

113 Macpherson, S. and Bond, S., EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08
Accessed 15/8/2012.

114 Morgan, L. and Bell, N. (2003) First Out: Report of the findings of the Beyond Barriers survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland. Edinburgh: Beyond Barriers.

115 Stonewall Scotland (Undated) LGBT Housing Project.
Accessed 14/8/2012

116 LGBT Housing Project (2007) Safe and secure? LGBT experiences of social housing in Scotland
Accessed 5/4/2013

117 O'Connor, W. and Molloy, D. (2001) Hidden in plain sight: homelessness amongst lesbian and gay youth.

Accessed 5/4/2013

118 Stonewall Housing (2008) Housing and homelessness.
Accessed 5/4/2013

119 Homeless Link (2012) Survey of Homeless Needs and Provision 2011
Accessed 5/4/2013

120 Roche, B. (2005) Sexuality and homelessness.
Accessed 5/4/2013

121 Scottish Government (2006) 'Chapter 11: Sub-group summary' in National Transport Strategy: User Consultation,
Accessed 5/9/2012.

122 Transport Scotland (Not dated) Consultation on initiatives related to the ScotRail franchise extension

Accessed 5/9/2012.

123 Scottish Government (Not dated) Equalities Impact Assessment for Scotland's cycling strategy,
Accessed 5/9/2012.

124 Transport for London (2012) 'The LGB Community' in Understanding the travel needs of London's diverse communities: A summary of existing research.
Accessed 8/4/2013.

125 Morgan, L. and Bell, N. (2003) First Out: Report of the findings of the Beyond Barriers survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland. Edinburgh: Beyond Barriers.

126 Equality Network (2011) The Bill.

Accessed 148/2012.

127 This document is a pdf attachment to the web page referenced above, with no URL of its own.

128 Scottish Government (2012) Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012.
Accessed 8/4/2013.

129 EHRC and Sporting Equals (Undated) Equality and human rights in sport and physical activity.
Accessed 1/10/2012.

130 Equality Network (2012) Out for sport
Accessed 2/10/2012.

131 Brackenridge, C et al, (2008) Literature Review of Sexual Orientation in Sport, Sport Scotland, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport England, UK Sport.

132 Independent Research Solutions (2003) 'Barriers to Participation in Culture, Arts and Leisure'. Cited in Scottish Government (2004) A literature review of the evidence base for culture, the arts and sport policy,
Accessed 28/11/2012

133 Scotland's national LGBT campaigns group
Accessed 14/8/12.

Accessed 14/12/2012.

135 Organisation promoting equality and justice for LGBT people in Scotland
Accessed 14/8/2012.

Accessed 15/8/2012.

137 Mitchell, M., Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. and Creegan, C. (2008) Sexual orientation research review 2008, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research report 34, NatCen
Accessed 20/8/2012.

138 EHRC (2011) How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.

139 Metcalf, H. (2009) 'Pay gaps across the equality strands: a review', EHRC Research Report 14,
Accessed 23/8/2012.

140 Scottish Government (2012) Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12. Accessed 28/8/2012.

141 Mitchell, M. and Howarth, C. (2009) 'Transgender research review'. EHRC research report 27. Natcen.
Accessed 17/8/2012.

142 Scottish Transgender Alliance (2008) Transgender experience in Scotland: Research summary.
Accessed 28/8/2012.


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