
Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Disability Evidence Review

This evidence review was prepared to support the production of the Scottish Government's Equality Outcomes, with regard to disability.

11 Public appointments

11.1 This section presents the available data on public appointments in relation to disabled people.

11.2 A Public Appointment is an appointment to the board of any of the public bodies across Scotland - either as a member, or as the chair[84]. The board's role is to provide leadership, direction and guidance, it is not involved in the day-to-day running of the public body.

11.3 As of 31 March 2011, disabled people made up just 7.7% of UK appointees, even though 14% of the working age population were disabled[85].

11.4 During the year 2011/12[86], 15.3% of applicants to public boards in Scotland declared a disability and 11.5% of people appointed to boards declared a disability.

11.5 The Scottish Government's website for public appointments[87] reports that, in the public appointments rounds for 2011-12, 14% of applicants were disabled but only 11% of appointees were. It is anticipated that data to 2013 will be published on the same website later this year.


Email: Social Research

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