A Scotland-wide Data Linkage Framework for Statistics and Research: Consultation Analysis

Analysis of consultation responses to a Scottish Government consultation on the aims of the Data Linkage framework and a draft set of guiding principles.

Next Steps

The Scottish Government and the Data Linkage Steering Group will now consider this report in detail alongside that from the public deliberative events, and issues raised at meetings, workshops and conferences on this subject over recent months, including the UK wide "Administrative Data Task Force" which is considering data linkage issues[1]. Taken together, the range of issues, suggestions, concerns and ideas will be used as the basis for:

  • revisions to the principles, which we aim to publish over the coming months
  • a strategy for the development and implementation of the framework
  • further work to scope and plan a National Data Linkage Centre (likely to be renamed the Data Sharing and Linking Service) and a Privacy Advisory service for consultation in 2013.

All relevant materials will be made available through the Scottish Government website at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/datalinkageframework


Email: Michael Davidson

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