Scotland's first adoption activity day: evaluation

Findings from October 2015 event organised by Scotland's Adoption Register.

14. Recommendations

  • Adoption Activity Days are a worthwhile intervention in seeking adoption placements for children, especially those whose needs are more complex
  • The preparation of each child is essential as is joint discussion and planning with the child's foster carer
  • There should be an individual risk assessment of the likely impact of the event on each child with plan to support them on the day and afterwards, jointly agreed by the child's social worker and foster carer
  • The existing format with some minor changes to timing and reception is a good working model
  • The amount of forward planning and planning on the day is essential and needs to retained
  • There could be variation in the activities, the introduction of a quiet area would be valuable especially for young children
  • The plan for a 'wind down' at the end was appropriate instead of a story a singing or music time might meet the needs of all children and could enable the adults to join in
  • Both foster carers should be able to come.

A.C. Robinson BSc, CQSW, Dip Applied Social Studies, MA, MSc. PhD.



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