
The same as you? 2000-2012: Consultation Report

A consultation report summarising the evidence which the Evaluation Team has gathered about the progress on The same as you? from published evidence and from face-to-face interviews with people with learning disabilities and family carers about their lives.

The people interviewed for the evaluation

The sample of people for the evaluation was selected to represent a range of different situations, experiences and characteristics, including: age and gender, living situation (for example, living with a family member, living independently, living in a group home, living in restricted settings) and type of area (urban/rural, level of deprivation).

49 people with learning disabilities took part across 4 different local authority areas. 31 were men and 18 were women. The youngest person was in their 20s and the oldest person was in their 70s. The sample consisted of people with a range of support needs, from people who needed little or no support to people with very high support needs, including 2 people with profound learning and multiple disabilities. 12 people had complex needs, including sensory impairments, complex health needs, and mental health needs. 16 of the people in the sample had communication difficulties. 3 were from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities. More than a fifth of the sample were living in an area which fell into the 10% most deprived areas in Scotland. Their living situations are shown below. The term 'living independently' covers a wide range of support from none to 24 hour support.

Living situation of the people with learning disabilities and/or on the autism spectrum interviewed

Living Situation Number
People who were living in the family home 18
People who were living independently 18
People who were living in a group home 8
People living in settings which restrict the person's liberty 4
Other 1
Total 49
People who had formerly lived in long-stay hospital 4

We spoke to 51 family carers in 40 interviews; sometimes we spoke to more than one family carer in the same interview. 42 of the carers were women and 9 were men. The carers were aged between their 30s and their 80s; 25 were aged over 60. 11 had postcodes which fell into the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland and 5 fell into the 20% least deprived. The family carers represented a range of caring experiences. 32 were caring for someone still living in their home and 19 had a relative who now lived elsewhere.

Family carers interviewed

Category Number
Older carers 19
Carers of people with complex needs 18
Carers of children and young people 11
Carers of people with profound learning and multiple disabilities 10
Single parent carers 9
Carers of people on the autism spectrum 5
Carers from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities 4
Sibling carers 4
People with learning disabilities who are carers 1
Other carers 3
Total number of carers interviewed 51
Some carers fell into more than one category.

The carers supported a total of 40 people with learning disabilities. 8 of those cared for were children and young people aged 19 or younger, 20 were in their 20s and 30s and 12 were aged 40 or over.


Email: Sarah Grant

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