
Safeguarding data sharing: consultation report and summary of responses

Consultation responses and analysis to our 2022 consultation on safeguarding data sharing.

Annex A

As part of the consultation, all respondents were asked to indicate using the appropriate tick box whether they wished their full or partial details to be made available to the public. Respondents who either chose for their details to remain private or whether no tick box was marked to indicate choice of disclosure have been recorded as either 'Private Individual' or Private Organisation'. Below is a list of all respondents to the consultation who have given their permission for their names to be shown.

Respondent Number and Name

1 South Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee

2 North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

3 Mark Hodgkinson

4 Private Organisation

5 Private Individual

6 Michelle Frampton

7 Veterans Contact Hub

8 Private Individual

9 Private Organisation

10 Argyll & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership

11 Private Individual

12 Private Organisation

13 Private Individual

14 Private Individual

15 Dumfries and Galloway Council

16 Private Organisation

17 Stirling Council

18 Private Individual

19 Private Organisation

20 Private Organisation

21 Private Organisation

22 Law Society of Scotland



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