Commissions and commissioners: final report

Research findings exploring the role of commissions and commissioners in supporting rights in Scotland and the UK. The research was commissioned by Scottish Government and undertaken by Research Scotland in 2022/23.


1. How to be an effective commissioner, Institute for Government

2. The independent review of Learning Disability and Autism in the Mental Health Act, National Records of Scotland

3. Campaign Progress, Our Voice Our Rights

4. Proposed Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill, The Scottish Parliament

5. Position Statement: Navigating a Complex Landscape, The Human Rights Bill for Scotland and the Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill, Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities, July 2022

6. Our Position on the Creation of a Commissioner for Learning Disability, Autism, and Neurodiversity, Autism Understanding Scotland

7. An open letter to Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, Autism Understanding Scotland

8. Closing the Accountability Gap: views from autistic people, family carers and professionals on the Scottish Government's proposed Commissioner, National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism, January 2023

9. National Taskforce for Human Rights: leadership report, Scottish Government

10. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

11. Public bodies in Scotland: guide, Scottish Government

12. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

13. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

14. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

15. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

16. What laws give the Commissioner power?, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

17. Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006

18. Law and Rights, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

19. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

20. Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002,

21. Guidance & advice, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

22. Equality Act 2006,

23. MWCS can advise on rights and good practice in relation to mental health and incapacity law, and care and treatment.

24. Section 50 of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

25. Section 8 of the Commissioner for Older People (Wales) Act 2006

26. MWCS has duties under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

27. Equality Act 2006,

28. Legal review policy and procedure, Equality and Human Rights Commission

29. Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act Section 6

30. National Taskforce for Human Rights: leadership report, Scottish Government

31. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

32. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

33. Engagement and Participation Strategy 2019/2022, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

34. Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010,

35. How to be an effective, Institute for Government

36. Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act Section 5

37. Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003,

38. How we work with other organisations, Mental Welfare, Commission for Scotland

39. Framework document agreed between the Scottish Government Directorate for Population Health and the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, February 2018

40. Annual report and accounts 2021-22, Equality and Human Rights Commission

41. Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland Annual Report and Accounts for Year Ended, 31 March 2021, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

42. Data Sharing Agreement, Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland) And The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, June 2022, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland)

43. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland

44. Liaison Agreement between the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and the Health and Safety Executive, Mental Welfare Commission for

45. Liaison Agreement between the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and the Health and Safety Executive, Mental Welfare Commission for

46. Data Sharing Agreement Between The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and The Mental Welfare Commission, Mental Welfare Commission

47. Framework document agreed between the Scottish Government Directorate for Population Health and the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, February 2018, Scottish Government

48. Memorandum of Understanding Between The Care Inspectorate and The Mental Welfare Commission , Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

49. Memorandum of Understanding in respect of the exchange of information between The Mental Welfare Commission and The Scottish Social Services Council

50. Engagement and Participation Strategy 2019/2022, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

51. SPSO 2020-24 Strategic Plan Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman



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