Learning disability and autism provision in the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2003: findings from a scoping exercise

Findings to help assess provisions for people with learning disabilities and autism in the Mental Health Act.

Annex 5: Examples of good practice

The discussion paper and survey issued at the beginning of the scoping exercise asked people to share any examples of good practice in engaging with different groups so that this might inform the conduct of the proposed review:

Participants offered a variety of examples of good practice, referring to: (i) engagement activities they were aware of or had been involved in as organisers or participants or (ii) toolkits or resources developed for use with particular groups. This information has been collated below. In most cases, the examples were mentioned by one respondent only, and included only limited information.

Participants' more general comments on approaches and methods they thought could be used in carrying out the review have been discussed in Annex 4.

Engagement exercises and events

  • 'Partnership in Practice' exercise in Dundee carried out as part of local response to 'The Same as You?'
  • Review of 'The Same as You?' consultation events
  • Scottish Dementia Working Group's work advising the Scottish Government on dementia issues
  • Focus groups involving people with mild to moderate learning disabilities in Fife carried out in order to find out their views on themes within the Keys to Life Strategy - an evaluation of this engagement exercise had been carried out
  • 'What Matters to You' event - a one day 'conversation' with people with learning disabilities organised by integrated disability service and day supports for people with learning disabilities in Renfrewshire which had involved gathering views from 64 people in various settings and circumstances
  • The Millan Review - especially with regard to using a range of approaches, holding meetings and events in a range of locations
  • Facilitated discussion group for in-patients with learning disabilities at a local hospital.

Toolkits and other resources

  • Ketso - a kit for running interactive community engagement activities
  • Royal College of GP's ASD toolkit
  • ENABLE's facilitators' pack for guiding discussion
  • 'Social stories' - a technique for engaging those with autism
  • Scottish Community Development Centre's National Standards for Community Engagement
  • ARC Scotland / National Involvement Network's Charter for Involvement
  • Learningdisability.co.uk
  • Publications produced by MWC
  • Mencap's 'Wecan2' research on engagement
  • 2011 research carried out by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations ( NCVO) / Institute for Volunteering

Other participants referred to successful activities that they were aware of or had been involved in which had used approaches such as:

  • Evening events for people with autism - these were well attended and appeared to be more convenient and less stressful than day-time activities
  • Using existing (already scheduled / planned) events to make contact with relevant people
  • Consultations which allowed participants to consider issues prior to attendance at events
  • Online communication / social media / email / virtual meetings.

It was also suggested that there would be examples of good practice in engagement and inclusion in local autism and learning disability strategies.

Organisational approaches

  • 'Voices for Change' model used by Grampian Opportunities - this had recently been used with hard to reach groups in relation to health and social care integration and showed the value of meeting people in their own environment
  • Facilitation approach used by Outside the Box including on its recent 'Permission to dream' project
  • The VIP Service User Group's use of creative activities led by community groups to engage and stimulate discussion
  • People First's approach based on residential events at which people can develop understanding and opinions and prepare views prior to presenting to others - as used in giving evidence to the MacManus Review and the Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament
  • Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory's use of play acting by people with learning disabilities as a way of stimulating discussion.


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