
Review of the Climate Challenge Fund - Appendix A: Sampling Methodology and Appendix B: Topic Guides

This report reviews the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), a Scottish Government scheme that supports communities to take action to address climate change.


1. Only completed projects were involved in this aspect of the research because live projects would not have a final report, final results or learnings.

2. It was intended to select 2 groups but there was only 1 in the sample

3. Projects can fit into more than one box in the matrix due to their alignment with more than one refresh theme. This means that the final case study list had more projects related to each refresh theme than intended. Where projects had been chosen for more than one box during the purposive sampling, these were replaced with other projects with the same characteristics.

4. Identified as 'pure JCCF' projects not 'partial JCCF'

5. Where boxes in the matrix had a number of sub-criteria (for example Box 1 which contains a, b, c and d), projects were chosen to ensure all sub-criteria were represented.

6. 'Large urban' was featured twice in the selection process to account for the large proportion of projects in large urban areas


Email: Debbie Sagar

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