Review of the Climate Challenge Fund - Appendix C: Case Studies Report

This report reviews the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), a Scottish Government scheme that supports communities to take action to address climate change.


This appendix presents the 10 'depth' case studies developed for CCF projects which were contacted as part of this research. The case studies provide an overview of each project based on findings from a series of interviews undertaken with a range of stakeholders involved in each project. Those contacted varied across projects, but included project officers, staff, management bodies, volunteers and recipients of services.

The projects are described by a range of factors including the value of the CCF fund awarded, the nature of activity undertaken (e.g. energy efficiency, transport) and the relevant refresh themes (broaden, deepen, explore) to which they are relevant (see paragraph 2.7 in the main report).

Each case study describes the following elements:

  • The project details, including the background to the group and project aims.
  • How behaviour change was achieved by the project.
  • Successes and benefits.
  • Carbon saving calculations.
  • Challenges and lessons learned.
  • Legacy.

The section on behaviour change uses the Scottish Government's Individual, Social, Material (ISM) behaviour change model to classify different project activities into the three contexts - the individual, social and material:

  • Individual context focuses on peoples values, attitudes and skills together with factors which drive choices and behaviours (i.e. values, beliefs, attitudes, costs and benefits, emotions, agency, skills, habit)
  • Social context recognises that the way that other people behave and what society considers to be appropriate and desirable behaviour strongly influences how each of us acts (i.e. opinion leaders, institutions, norms, roles and identity, tastes, meanings, networks and relationships)
  • Material context recognises that the world in which we live works to promote or constrain our behaviours (i.e. rules and regulations, technologies, infrastructure, objects, times and schedules)

A key principle of the ISM approach is that interventions should take account of influences across all three contexts to achieve substantive and long lasting change. The project activities have been described in this way to demonstrate the diverse routes that CCF projects have used to deliver behaviour change. No weighting is given to different project elements and activities in the case studies and none were specifically designed using ISM. Indeed, some activities identified and described in these case studies were not planned at the outset of projects.

For more information on ISM see

For more information on 'Shifting Normal', a guide designed to help community groups tackling climate change, which is based on the ISM tool, see


Email: Debbie Sagar

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