Respiratory care action plan draft: consultation report

The analysis of the consultation responses for the draft Respiratory Care Action Plan for Scotland, which sets out our vision for driving improvement in the diagnosis, treatment and care for those living with respiratory conditions.

Question 12: Wider workforce

  • Commitment 14 – We will work with stakeholders, in the context of the work taking place under the National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan, to explore how best to further support the development of appropriate expertise in the health and social care and support workforce for those working with people with respiratory conditions
  • Commitment 15 – We will discuss a national or regional approach to workforce planning with stakeholders, to test the extension of existing workforce planning tools and their application to the wider respiratory workforce in Integration Authorities and NHS Boards
'Do you agree with commitments 14 and 15?'
Option Total Percent
Yes 99 83.19%
No 0 0%
Don't know 13 10.92%
Not Answered 7 5.88%
Total 119 100

A total of 112 people responded to this question, with a majority (99) agreeing with the commitments and a small number not knowing (13). None of the respondents indicated above that they disagreed with the commitment, although a number of the 27 expanded responses noted concerns. To further breakdown those who responded to this question: 

  • NHS (boards and organisations) 9
  • Third sector organisations 13
  • Private sector companies 7
  • General public individuals 83

Overall, the general themes from responses to this question were: workforce planning; staff training needs and funding. There was broad agreement around the importance of the wider workforce and a number of requests for the commitment to be expanded to include other Allied Healthcare Professionals.

Breakdown of the most common themes:

Workforce planning

One of the main themes that ran through the expanded comments was the importance of workforce planning. There was agreement amongst the responses that succession planning should be widened across disciplines to include Allied Healthcare Professionals and pharmacists, with some suggesting that the third sector should also be included. The need for equity at national and regional levels was also mentioned. 

Training for staff

Education for staff was another area that came out strongly in the responses.  Some noted that all AHPs should have a baseline level of respiratory knowledge. The need for appropriately trained staff across health and social care appeared multiple times. 


A number of respondents commented on the definition of workforce within the Plan, stating that the definition should be expanded to include the role of Allied Healthcare Professionals, pharmacists and social care workers. The third sector was also suggested as an addition. 

See Below for Bar Chart description

A chart showing phrases from the Q12 responses. Expanding the commitment had 11 mentions; education had 2.

See Below for Treemap Chart description

A chart showing phrases from the Q12 responses. Expanding the commitment had 11 mentions; education had 2.



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