Report on follow up visit to Ninewells Hospital

Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer follow up visit to Ninewells Hospital


  • From observations and discussion with NHS Tayside clinicians I am satisfied that significant progress has been achieved in delivering the recommendations provided following my initial visit in June 2015.
  • It was evident that increased communication and collaboration with the majority of receiving specialties (acute medicine, orthopaedics, anaesthetics, vascular surgery and urology), have resulted in improved inter-department relationships and improved patient focused care.
  • It was noted that although progress to date between Emergency Medicine and General Surgery was not as evident, the opportunity provided by the 'Shaping Surgical Services' review will deliver increased communication and collaborative working.
  • It was positive to note that the remit of the existing 'Guide to Tayside EDs for doctors interacting with Emergency Medicine' has been extended to provide guidance on all the unscheduled care pathways within the Hospital, and that this document will now be prepared collaboratively with input from the receiving specialties.


Email: Diane Dempster

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