Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis report
Analysis of responses to the landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire on proposals for rented sector reform.
8: Greater protections during the eviction process
The proposal is that where an eviction order is granted by the Housing Tribunal, there would be a requirement for the Tribunal member to consider whether there should be a delay to the enforcement of that eviction based on the circumstances of the case. This would not apply to cases of anti-social behaviour or criminal behaviour.
Question 29 – Do you agree that in the private sector the Tribunal should be required to consider whether it is reasonable to delay the enforcement of an eviction at any time of year?
Responses to Question 29 by respondent type are set out in Chart 3 below. As at Question 10, the chart compares the results for PRS landlords, PRS tenants and for all respondents.

Overall, a majority – 59% of those answering the question – either strongly agreed or agreed that, in the private sector, the Tribunal should be required to consider whether it is reasonable to delay the enforcement of an eviction at any time of year. This rose to 98% of PRS tenants. However, 67% of PRS landlords either strongly disagreed or disagreed.
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