Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill: data protection impact assessment

Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) for the Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill.


1. Legal services regulation: independent report - (

2. See Sections 7 – 11 Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980

3. The respective professional organisations are legal services regulators – currently the Law Society, the Faculty and the ACA.

4. Paragraph 1 of schedule 5 of the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007 provides that a complainer must waive their right to confidentiality in order for a complaint to be investigated. See sections; 35 (Services complaints: monitoring, reports, protocols and information sharing), 37 (Obtaining of information from relevant professional organisations), 43 (Restriction upon disclosure of information), 51 (Powers in relation to documents and information from third parties), and 52 (Restriction upon disclosure of information: relevant professional organisations), of the 2007 Act.

5. See section 13 of the 2007 Act which requires the complainer's consent before they are identified in all but exceptional cases; also see sections 29, 35 and 36 of the 2007 Act on more general publishing matters.

6. Guide to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) | ICO

7. Privacy (

8. Codes of Practice | ICO

9. com015-data-breach-policy-process-v0100-201805.pdf (

10. Guide to GDPR | Law Society of Scotland (

11. privacy-notice-group.pdf (



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