Cancer services action plan 2020 to 2023: final report

This final report has been prepared following the end of the 2020 National Cancer Plan 'Recovery and Redesign: Cancer Services' in March 2023. This report provides a brief summary of progress against the outstanding actions as from August 2022.

Next steps: 10-year Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-33

Following the end of the 2020 national cancer plan in March 2023, a new strategy was required to continue with and improve on the services available to all those affected by cancer, which includes people living with cancer and their families and carers, as well as the workforce. The progress on each of these 68 actions have informed the development of the new strategy.

The Cancer strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2033 and Cancer action plan for Scotland 2023 to 2026 were published on 15 June 2023. The new strategy will be in place for 10 years and will be underpinned by action plans which will evolve with the changing landscape while remaining consistent with the overarching aims. This approach helps to set out a longer-term vision and goals while addressing the different stages of recovery and rebuilding what will be necessary, alongside the continuing advances in cancer services.

The strategy will provide a common direction to all affected by cancer, defining a clear strategic intent - improve cancer survival and provide excellent, equitably accessible, care - along with a range of priority ambitions to help meet that aim.



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