Procurement - publishing, print and design (PPDAS) framework - 2018
- Published
- 1 October 2018
- Directorate
- Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
- Topic
- Public sector
Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the framework agreement.
Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: in progress
Dates of contract: 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2025
Category: media, marketing, design and print
This framework agreement is for the provision of publishing, print, design and associated services (PPDAS). The requirement shall be delivered as an account managed customer focused service in which framework public bodies can choose any one from the range of services.
The scope of services shall incorporate but not be limited to the services listed below in relation to published content:
This framework will operate under a single service requirement, covering all publishing, print, design and associated services and will be delivered by a single supplier.
What is in scope
The service is for a fully managed and accessible publishing, print, design and associated service to be delivered on a 24/7 basis.
Services include (but are not limited to):
- full and accessible publishing service for all published content to include archiving, maintaining ISBN/ISSN database, electronic publishing service, legal deposit, providing electronic catalogue of publications, etc.
- design services
- technological developments for all published content
- artwork, formatting and setting
- proofing and pre-press services
- photography
- illustrations
- copywriting and editorial services
- graphs and charts services
- infographics
- alternative formats, including braille, audio and easy-read
- policing of brand management and application
- translation and associated typesetting services, including British Sign language
- digital asset management
- print management and production, including direct mail collateral
- web to print service
- secure print service
- document disposal/destruction service
- binding and finishing
- fulfilment and distribution service
- stationery - headed paper, business cards
- forms
- web conversion and publishing
- storage and storage management
- alternative format including DVDs/CDs
- subscriptions and standing orders for all published content
- reprographic service
- promotional items
- display materials
- advice upon solutions to meet Scottish Government policy initiatives relevant to the scope of the framework
What is out of scope
Where scope is uncertain, please consult the framework manager.
Who can use this
The framework is open to the following public sector bodies:
- central government
- health
- local authorities
- police and fire
- universities and colleges
- third sector (voluntary organisations and charities registered in Scotland)
- other public bodies
Note: It is the responsibility of any buying organisation wishing to use the framework agreement to satisfy itself that it is eligible to do so.
Entitlement can be established from the terms of the OJEU advert and guidance on this can be found in annex A of our guidance on framework agreements.
Benefits for public bodies using this framework include:
- savings calculated and reported on a quarterly basis
- easy route to market for framework public bodies
- fully managed service provides an opportunity to have a co-ordinated approach throughout project
- consistent approach to publications across all public sector organisations
- UIG forum provides an opportunity to learn and liaise with other partners and share best practice
- community benefits targets include Living Wage accreditation
APS Group (Scotland) Limited
21 Tennant Street
Email for client services:
Customer enquiries
Telephone: 0131 629 9966 (general)
Customer queries
Joanne Smith, Account Director
Phone: 0131 380 1909
New users of the framework
Beverley Walsh, Head of Business Services
Phone: 07793 987 292
Andrew Logan, Client Services Director
Tel: 0131 376 7825
Helen Crosthwaite, Client Services Director
Tel: 0131 380 1906
Further information
Information about pricing and terms and conditions for frameworks and contracts can be found on the Knowledge Hub.
If you are not registered to access this and are eligible to use the framework please complete the registration form and send it to one of the Scottish Procurement contacts listed below.
- File type
- 10 page PDF
- File size
- 278.8 kB
Neil MacTavish
Senior Portfolio Specialist
Phone: 0141 242 5589
Marta Sito
Portfolio Specialist
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