Protecting Public Resources in Scotland: counter fraud strategy

Protecting Public Resources in Scotland is our counter fraud strategy.

Zero Tolerance Approach

Our approach to countering fraud, bribery and corruption is one of zero tolerance. This can be achieved and maintained through the effective management at all levels of public service delivery, as follows:

  • Promoting clear ethical standards through a formal counter-fraud policy, including the prevention of bribery and corruption.
  • Communicating our commitment to deter fraud, bribery and corruption by raising awareness of policies to all staff and stakeholders.
  • Supporting all staff and stakeholders in their responsibilities in preventing fraud, bribery and corruption through guidance and training.
  • Providing managers with specialist support in designing, operating and reviewing internal controls.
  • Maintaining comprehensive procedures for disabling and detecting fraud that must be carefully followed and monitored.
  • Protecting members of staff through a robust process for reporting suspicions of fraud, bribery and corruption.
  • Effectively dealing with fraud by implementing a comprehensive fraud action plan, including professional investigation by skilled staff.
  • Using data, and technology, efficiently in current and future systems, to combat fraud and error.
  • Sharing knowledge of vulnerabilities and lessons-learned through strong communication channels across public bodies in Scotland.


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