
Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group recommendations: progress report 2023

This report identifies progress made against the recommendations in the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group 2022 report to maximise primary care’s significant potential to tackle health inequalities and inequity across Scotland’s communities.

Next Steps

The May 2023 meeting of the PCHIDG considered the future purpose and focus of the group, evolving from the initial development function. It considered the range of actions and recommendations, and whether these most appropriately sat with the development group or elsewhere in the wider system. It also considered whether there were areas which were not included in the original recommendations which had now grown in importance. Based on that analysis, the group's role will evolve to focus on:

  • Continuing implementation and development of the five foundational proposals.
  • Leading on the development of proposals for a network of expert reference groups.
  • Developing a 'reference group' function to provide a primary care health inequalities perspective on wider policy developments across the Scottish Government. Specific priorities for this were identified as: digital inclusion (recognising digital access as a social determinant of health), financial inclusion support through primary care, mental health and wellbeing in primary care, including the sustainability and further development of Community Link Workers, and further developments in the GMS Contract Offer, Memorandum of Understanding and any review of primary care funding allocations.

The group reports through the Scottish Government's Primary Care Directorate and ultimately to Scottish Ministers. Membership of the group will be kept under review to ensure fit with the new direction.



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