Mental health: PfG delivery plan

Sets out the approach to the mental health commitments in the Programme for Government.

Delivering the Plan

The range of actions set out in this plan can only be delivered in partnership with Local Government and other partners across Scotland. There is a need to create delivery arrangements that will set clear direction, create a clear common understanding of opportunities and barriers across services, and provide a forum to track progress against milestones.

New action
We will create a new Mental Health Delivery Board, chaired by the Minister for Mental Health, to oversee the delivery of the Mental Health Strategy and associated work.

As well as driving improvements in performance, this group will champion mental health improvement and lead on strategic change, and it will have a specific role in monitoring and driving the actions set out here.

It will also consider additional actions to be taken to achieve the ambition, supported as required by specialist workstreams and drawing on international evidence and good practice.

The Mental Health Delivery Board will report back to Parliament as part of the annual Mental Health Strategy report in the autumn. Membership will be announced in the new year.

In this way we seek to deliver our vision in the Mental Health Strategy of "a Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from discrimination and stigma."


Email: Phil Raines

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