Programme Budgeting in NHSScotland

A disaggregation of NHSScotland activity and costs by 23 diagnostic categories.


23.The pattern of spend by disease category identified for NHSScotland in 2011/12 is unsurprising given the main causes of morbidity and mortality. Although data are currently only available for two years – 2007/08 and 2011/12 – they show some change in the relative spend on different areas: the most notable being the decrease in the relative spend on circulatory disease. The data also illustrate the considerable resource that is invested in treating mental as well as physical health.

24.This type of analysis is a useful tool for policy makers to inform them of the distribution of spend across disease categories. It allows consideration of whether that distribution is appropriate and as a basis for discussion and/or further analysis. Combined with outcome data it is possible to use programme budgeting data to assess the relative value for money of different programmes.


Email: Steven Gillespie

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