
Police Negotiating Board: annual report 2018 to 2019

Annual report for 2018 to 2019 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board (PNB).

2. Main Issues In The Review Period

2.1 As noted in the 2017-18 PNB Annual Report, the Staff Side submitted a pay claim in March 2018 for an increase of 3.5% across all pay points, ranks and allowances with effect from 1 September 2018. Agreement was reached in September 2018 on changes to pay and terms and conditions covering a 31 month period from 1 September 2018 to 31 March 2021. The agreement includes a 6.5% increase to all pay points across Federated and Superintending ranks and a £4,133 increase for Senior Officers. Increases to a range of allowances were also agreed.

The pay agreement also set out changes to pay scales with effect from 1 December 2018 for constables and from 1 April 2020 for sergeants, inspectors and chief inspectors.

2.2 In June 2019, PNB reached agreement on clarification underpinning the new definition of 'place of duty' and resolved the ambiguity regarding travel time which had arisen following PNB Circular 2014/25 (Additional Travel Expenses).

2.3 PNB also reached in June 2019 on the provision of additional flexibility around compensation for officers working a KIT or SPLIT day during adoption, maternity or shared parental leave. This agreement was reached following discussions within the Equalities Working Group allows officers to choose an alternative to payment for KIT or SPLIT days in the form of taking the equivalent time off.

Equalities Working Group (EWG)

2.6 The EWG met on 3 occasions during the reporting period and has discussed several matters under its remit including the development of an agreement on compensation for KIT or SPLIT days.

Technical Working Group (TWG)

2.7 The TWG met on 3 occasions during the period covered by this report and has discussed a range of matters under its remit including:

  • Excessive Rest Day Disruption Allowance,
  • Overnight Allowances,
  • Provision of Annual Leave in Hours,
  • Additional Travel Expenses,
  • Police Officer Handbook.

2.8 During this reporting period, the TWG meetings have taken place without a formal chair at the agreement of both Sides due to a commitment to collaborative working by both Official and Staff Side representatives.

Conciliation and Arbitration Arrangements

2.9 Conciliation and arbitration arrangements were not used in the reporting period.



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