
Planning Scotland's Seas: Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy in Scottish Waters. Consultation Analysis Report.

Planning Scotland’s Seas: Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy in Scottish Waters - Consultation Draft was published for consultation in July 2013. Independent analysis of all written responses to the consultation has been undert

Appendix 3: Consultation Questions

1. Do you agree with the approach (outlined in Section 3 of the Sectoral Marine Plans) used to develop the Plans?

Yes No

Please explain:


2. Do you have any views on the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal Report? Do you think that all the social, economic and environmental effects (positive and negative) have been identified? Are there other issues that should be taking into account in the preparation of the Final Draft Plans?


3. The SEA has identified a range of potential effects from the Draft Plans. Measures for the mitigation of these effects have been identified in the SEA environmental report. Do you have any views on these findings? Do you think that the proposed mitigation measures will be effective? Do you have any additional suggestions?


4. The Socio-economics Report has identified a range of potential impacts on existing sea users. Do you have any views on these findings? Do you think that the proposed mitigation measures will be effective? Do you have any additional suggestions?


5. Taking into account the findings from the technical assessments, do you have views on the scale and pace of development that could be sustainably accommodated in Scottish Waters?


6. Are there aspects of the Draft Plans that you believe should be improved? Are there any aspects you believe should be taken forward differently?

Please explain any reasons for your answer and provide details of any suggested improvements:


7. Do you believe an appropriate balance, between tackling climate change, maximising opportunities for economic development and dealing with environmental and commercial impacts been achieved in the Draft Plans?

Yes No

Please explain:


8. The Draft Plan for Offshore Wind Energy proposes 10 Draft Plan options. What are your views on the Offshore Wind Draft Plan options? Are they in the correct place? Are there reasonable alternatives that should be considered?

Please indicate which proposed Draft Plan option(s) you are commenting on using the relevant indicator ( i.e. OWN1)


9. The Draft Plan for Wave Energy proposes 8 Draft Plan options . What are your views on the Wave Draft Plan options? Are they in the correct place? Are there reasonable alternatives that should be considered?

Please indicate which proposed Draft Plan option(s) you are commenting on using the relevant indicator ( i.e. WN1)


10. The Draft Plan for Tidal Energy proposes 10 Draft Plan options. What are your views on the Tidal Draft Plan options? Are they in the correct place? Are there reasonable alternatives that should be considered?

Please indicate which proposed Draft Plan option(s) you are commenting on using the relevant indicator ( i.e. TN)


11. Do you believe any draft plan options be removed from the Draft Plans for Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy?

Yes No

If Yes, please indicate which proposed Draft Plan options you believe should be removed (using the relevant indicator), and explain why :


12. The Plans, once implemented, will be reviewed to take account of actual development and increasing knowledge of development factors. How often do you believe should this be done and why? Who do you believe should be involved in the Plans Review Steering Group, to oversee the review process?


13. To what extent does the Environmental Report set out an accurate description of the current environmental baseline? Please also provide details of any additional relevant sources.


14. Do you agree with the predicted environmental effects of the plans as set out in the Environmental Report?


15. Do you agree with the recommendations and proposals for mitigation of the environmental effects set out in the Environmental Report?


16. Are you aware of any additional on-going research or monitoring that may help to fill gaps in the evidence base, particularly relating to the marine environment and its interactions with renewable energy devices? Please give details of additional relevant sources.


17. Are you aware of any further environmental information that will help to inform the environmental assessment findings?


18. Do you any other comments you wish to make of the Plans and / or the related assessments?



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