Coronavirus Recovery and Reform (Scotland) Act 2022 - criminal justice measures: consultation

Consultation on making permanent certain criminal justice measures from Coronavirus Recovery and Reform (Scotland) Act 2022 alongside other proposals to modernise criminal justice procedures through digital processes.

Ministerial Foreword

One of the defining missions of our government is to create, invest and maintain sustainable public services, to ensure the people of Scotland can access modern, effective, and timely services when they need to. Central to achieving this mission is our commitment to modernise the justice sector through greater use of digital processes.

The COVID pandemic increased the pace of digital adoption and innovation in many spheres, and the justice system was no different. Throughout this period, a number of changes were made to operational practices and procedures, including the use of digital technologies to ensure the continued operation of a viable justice system. These technological solutions allowed us to meet the challenges of a pandemic whilst also providing the basis for how a more effective and efficient justice system could be delivered in the future.

As we become a digital nation, the nature of government, at a national and local level, will change. The people we serve expect services that are responsive and tailored to their needs and they expect to hold us to account for the quality and efficiency of these services. This requires us to ensure that the services we design and deliver, works for the people who use them.

This consultation provides an opportunity to continue the strides made during the pandemic by making permanent ways of working, which are already operational within the system, and look towards the future.

Throughout this process, we will continue to work collaboratively and innovatively with Scotland's justice agencies and listen to wide ranging views in order to better understand how the proposals set out in this consultation can deliver better outcomes and experiences for those who come into contact with processes of justice.

Your responses will help shape the future of the justice system by ensuring it reflects the needs of individuals who experience and use justice services, including victims, witnesses and the accused.

Your views are crucial to this process, and we look forward to hearing them.



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