
Peatland Expert Advisory Group minutes: February 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the PEAG on 12 February 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Ragne Low, Co-chair, Scottish Government
  • Robbie Kernahan, Nature Scot
  • Simon Brooks, Nature Scot
  • Andy Gillan, RJ Mcleod
  • Andy Mills, Terrain
  • Morag Watson, Scottish Renewables
  • Mark Mulqueeney, SSE Renewables
  • Claire Campbell, SEPA
  • Roxanne Anderson, University of the Highlands and Islands
  • Mat Williams, Chief Scientific Advisor Natural Resources and Agriculture
  • Matt Aitkenhead, James Hutton Institute
  • Rebecca Maskrey, AECOM
  • Peter Hutchinson, NatureScot
  • Peter Hurley, AECOM
  • Onshore Electricity Policy, Scottish Government
  • RESAS, Scottish Government
  • Planning, LGH, Scottish Government
  • Peatland Policy, Scottish Government


  • Donald Henderson, Co-chair, Scottish Government
  • Rosie Simpson, John Muir Trust
  • Jo Smith, University of Aberdeen 
  • Michael Kordas, Heads of Planning Scotland 
  • Jo Ellis, Forestry and Land Scotland
  • Energy Consents Unit, Scottish Government

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Scottish Government co-chair, Ragne Low (RL), welcomes attendees joining in person and remotely. Passes on apologies of those who cannot attend. 
Members in attendance briefly introduce themselves.

NatureScot Guidance, next steps

Robbie Kernahan (RK) updates on themes emerging from stakeholders’ comments on NatureScot’s recently published Guidance document.
RK outlines a proposal to establish a small working group to consider the comments and update the NatureScot Guidance accordingly.  This would constitute the first output of PEAG.  
PEAG discuss RK’s proposal (membership and balanced representation; requirement for an amendments log; underlying principles of the working group; governance relationship to PEAG).
Co-chair RL invites volunteers for working sub-group.

Developing a Scottish Biodiversity Metric and peatland aspects

Simon Brooks (SB) provides an overview of the ‘English Metric’ (aka DEFRA Metric) and discusses how this might be adapted to the Scottish planning context (for assessing biodiversity), highlighting key issues for peatland. 
SB sets out the next steps (ongoing and early engagement with stakeholders; outputs and recommendations on capacity-building; pilot testing the Metric; early sharing and consulting on process).
SB advises: (i) a 12-month timescale to develop the finalised Scottish Metric; (ii) that a flexible approach (to planning) should be taken in the interim.
PEAG raises issues and questions associated with this work.

SSE Renewables Biodiversity Net Gain

Mark Mulqueeney (MM) delivers a brief presentation on SSE’s renewables metric (based on the DEFRA metric, works on the principle of ‘trading’ rules; available on SSE website), including case studies.
PEAG discusses problematics around the high level of precaution which is built into the DEFRA metric (and thus SSE’s metric) and how to mitigate the unscientific arbitrariness of one person assessing/inputting quantities.

CXC Carbon Calculator – AECOM

Rebecca Maskrey (RM) updates on the aim and development of AECOM’s carbon calculator instrument.
PEAG delivers feedback on the draft instrument and its calculations, and recommends key literature for AECOM to take into consideration.
RM concludes with overview of timeline: evidence review and technical assessment in Mar-Apr; first draft end-April; final submission mid-June 2024.

An introduction to the Developments on Peat and Off-Site Uses of Waste Peat guidance (SEPA)

Fiona Donaldson (FD) discusses the SEPA 2012 and 2017 guidance documents (e.g. what applies if you wish to make use of the peat) and advises of two Scot Govt and SEPA consultations that affect waste licensing (with stakeholder info sessions planned for late Feb and March). 
PEAG raises questions on: the impact of the consultations on the guidance; whether PEAG could have a role in updating guidance; what conditions will replace exemptions; technical definitions of peat.

Any other business and close

Co-chair RL apologises for going over time, and as such, no AOB.  Thanking PEAG members for their continued contributions, the meeting is adjourned.

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