
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2011-12

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2012. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2012 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Table 14: Households in temporary accommodation by accommodation type and local authority: 31 March 2012

Total number of households Number of households with children or pregnant women Total number of children
Social sector1 Hostel Bed & Breakfast Other2 Total Social sector1 Hostel Bed & Breakfast Other2 Total Social sector1 Hostel Bed & Breakfast Other2 Total
Scotland 7,093 1,333 1,281 1,036 10,743 3,056 55 21 352 3,484 4,982 60 35 511 5,588
Aberdeen City 281 54 66 - 401 76 1 - - 77 94 - - - 94
Aberdeenshire 287 32 127 10 456 187 8 2 7 204 323 10 1 10 344
Angus 122 - - - 122 9 - - - 9 9 - - - 9
Argyll & Bute 53 - 1 102 156 19 - 1 33 53 26 - 1 40 67
Clackmannanshire 43 - 56 34 133 28 - - 4 32 38 - - 3 41
Dumfries & Galloway 144 67 28 44 283 73 2 - 7 82 103 2 - 14 119
Dundee City 170 135 - 6 311 85 - - 6 91 143 - - 6 149
East Ayrshire 35 22 - - 57 9 - - - 9 11 - - - 11
East Dunbartonshire 148 8 15 10 181 58 - 1 2 61 105 - 1 1 107
East Lothian 192 30 44 - 266 89 - - - 89 103 - - - 103
East Renfrewshire 36 - 2 - 38 8 - - - 8 10 - - - 10
Edinburgh 491 - 261 - 752 266 - - - 266 379 - - - 379
Eilean Siar 45 - 35 2 82 18 - - - 18 29 - - - 29
Falkirk 238 - 30 43 311 73 - - 9 82 119 - - 14 133
Fife 549 45 77 - 671 184 4 8 - 196 365 4 12 - 381
Glasgow City 1,439 248 109 119 1,915 743 - - 12 755 1,344 - - 19 1,363
Highland 150 44 249 132 575 95 10 3 59 167 164 11 6 97 278
Inverclyde 62 28 1 - 91 20 - - - 20 34 - - - 34
Midlothian 153 23 88 225 489 84 1 5 90 180 119 - 7 114 240
Moray 35 76 - 28 139 10 8 - 8 26 9 10 - 23 42
North Ayrshire 167 43 - 22 232 18 1 - 5 24 26 1 - 7 34
North Lanarkshire 451 16 - 18 485 134 - - - 134 235 - - - 235
Orkney 38 5 - 6 49 10 - - 3 13 21 - - 4 25
Perth & Kinross 197 129 - 85 411 74 10 - 41 125 111 11 - 56 178
Renfrewshire 200 - 7 - 207 30 - - - 30 46 - - - 46
Scottish Borders 82 - 9 - 91 24 - - - 24 47 - - - 47
Shetland 114 - 1 2 117 14 - - 2 16 18 - - 2 20
South Ayrshire 155 60 47 14 276 66 6 - 2 74 100 7 - 4 111
South Lanarkshire 478 121 10 19 628 399 - 1 12 412 579 - 7 18 604
Stirling 90 60 9 51 210 16 4 - 17 37 20 4 - 28 52
West Dunbartonshire 223 42 9 2 276 47 - - 1 48 89 - - 3 92
West Lothian 225 45 - 62 332 90 - - 32 122 163 - - 48 211

1. Includes local authority and housing association stock.
2. The category 'other' includes mainly private landlords.
Accommodation in 'other' category includes property leased by the local authority to provide temporary accommodation for homeless applicants.


Email: Housing Access and Support Statistics

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