
Non-Domestic Rates (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Non-Domestic Rates (Scotland) Bill introduced into Parliament on 25 March 2019.

Post-implementation review

With the agreement of the membership, the BIAG will evolve now the Non-Domestic Rates (Scotland) Bill has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament and the BIAG will continue to meet at key stages to monitor implementation progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the Barclay Review recommendations.

The Barclay Review led to the creation of the Scottish Ratepayer Forum (SRF) and the Scottish Rating Surveyor Forum (SRSF). The remit of the SRF is to provide an opportunity for ratepayers and representative industry bodies to meet directly with representatives from the SAA, government, finance and related bodies. The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, improve understanding and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders. The forum is chaired by the SAA. Membership of the SRF is open to trade and industry bodies. The remit of the SRSF is to provide an opportunity for rating surveyors to meet directly with representatives from the SAA, government, finance and related bodies such as the water industry. The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, improve understanding and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders. This forum is also chaired by the SAA. Membership of the SRSF is open to rating surveyors who represent trade/industry bodies and individual ratepayers.



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