Non-domestic rates income statistics
- Last updated
- 21 August 2024 - see all updates
- Directorate
- Local Government and Housing Directorate
- Topic
- Economy, Money and tax
This publication series provides information on Non-domestic rates income, as reported by local authorities in regular returns.
The contributable amount of non-domestic rates (NDR) income is the amount collected from ratepayers before deducting the local authorities' own discretionary relief payments, and after taking into account additions and deductions such as refunds of overpayments and rates retention schemes. It is also the amount nominally contributed to the Scottish Government's NDR pool by local authorities.
The Scottish Government monitors NDR income through a cycle of four annual returns:
- the provisional contributable amount return made at the start of the financial year, after annual NDR bills are issued to ratepayers;
- the mid-year estimate, an update to the provisional contributable amount, provided halfway through the year;
- the notified return, the provisional outturn NDR income provided after the end of the financial year; and
- an audited version of the notified amount, usually received in the Autumn following the end of the financial year, although since the pandemic there have been delays to some councils’ audits.
This data release sets out:
- a summary of the estimates and outturn of the contributable amount for Scotland where available, made in each year since 2009-2010, as reported in each of the four NDR income returns;
- a summary of the outturn contributable amount for each council since 2009-2010; and
- the outturn value of each non-domestic rates relief in each council since 2009-2010.
It should be noted that early estimates of NDR income (the provisional contributable amount and mid-year estimate) are likely to vary from outturn figures, and the Scotland totals have been higher than the outturn in five out of the six years for which outturn is presented.
More details on the NDR income returns can be found in the guidance notes used by local authorities to complete the return.
This data release was last updated on 21 August 2024, with provisional outturn (notified) for 2023-2024, the provisional contributable amount for 2024-2025, and an expansion of the time series with additional data from 2009-2010 to 2016-2017.
A further update is expected in autumn 2024, with the mid-year estimates for 2024-2025.
Other sources of NDR income data
Outturn figures for NDR income are published annually in the Scottish Local Government Finance Statistics. The workbook accompanying the latest publication, published on 5 March 2024, includes provisional outturn figures for 2022-2023.
The Scottish Fiscal Commission produce forecasts of NDR income at fiscal events (Scottish Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy), and may produce forecasts at any time in response to events such as a change in NDR policy. These forecasts are based on estimates provided by local authorities in their NDR income returns, as well as an assessment of other key variables that determine NDR income (such as reductions in the tax base due to appeals) and an assessment of the impact of any new policies introduced by the Scottish Government.
The latest five-year forecasts, including the contributable amount and the values of mandatory and discretionary reliefs for 2022-2023 (provisional outturn), as well as some components of the 2023-2024 MYEs, were published on the Scottish Fiscal Commission’s website on 19 December 2023, to accompany the Scottish Government's Budget for 2024-2025.
- File type
- Excel document
- File size
- 227.1 kB
- First published
- 17 December 2020
- Last updated
- 21 August 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
Add historic data for 2009-2010 to 2016-2017, provisional outturn (notified) for 2023-2024, and PCA for 2024-2025.
Update mid-year estimates for 2023-2024.
Add mid-year estimates for 2023-2024.
Downloadable spreadsheet updated with provisional contributable amount 2023-2024.
Add Audited 2021-2022, Notified 2022-2023, and Tables 2 and 3.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
Information updated and new downloadable spreadsheet added.
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