
New Supply Shared Equity scheme: information leaflet

Information on the New Supply Shared Equity scheme (NSSE), part of the Low-cost Initiative for First Time Buyers (LIFT).

Who is it for?

New Supply Shared Equity mainly aims to help first-time buyers, such as people living in social housing, people in the Armed Forces or veterans, widows, widowers and other partners of service personnel and people living in private rented housing or with relatives. But it can help others too. For example, it may be able to help you if you are looking for a new home after a significant change in your household circumstances or if you have a disability and own a house which doesn't suit your needs. If you currently own your home or part-own a property you will need to sell your interest in that property at the same time that you buy a home through the New Supply Shared Equity scheme.

In a small number of locations where you own a home affected by demolition plans, New Supply Shared Equity may be available to help you buy a home in the same area.



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