
Urgent care services - Near Me in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's flow navigation centre: good practice example

The redesign of urgent care programme in partnership with the National Technology Enabled Care Programme and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have developed this good practice example for the delivery of Near Me video consultations as part of urgent care services.


The Redesign of Urgent Care Programme in partnership with the National Technology Enabled Care Programme and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have developed this good practice example for the delivery of Near Me video consultations as part of urgent care services.

The example shared has been kindly provided by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Near Me is quickly becoming an integral part of health and care delivery and this good practice example aims to demonstrate how a large Scottish Health Board utilised a simple, yet effective approach to promote the use of Near Me with its local population.

Whilst each Health Board will have their own local processes, this document is not to suggest that the approach highlighted is best practice within Scotland, rather to demonstrate an example of application.

The use of Near Me in urgent care services varies across Scotland and this document serves as an opportunity to support the platforms ongoing implementation.



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