National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement analysis

Full report on analysis of feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.

Question 3

Do you agree that the vision is correct for the strategy?

There were 150 responses to this closed question. As demonstrated in Table 5 at the Annex, the vast majority of respondents either ‘strongly agreed’ (59 respondents; 39%) or ‘agreed’ (70 respondents; 47%) that the vision is correct for the strategy. Only a very small minority of respondents ‘disagreed’ (4 respondents; 3%) or ‘strongly disagreed’ (2 respondents; 1%).

106 respondents provided additional information for the follow up question (‘Please explain your answer’). A large minority of these respondents were supportive of the proposed vision. However, a few respondents expressed concerns on the relevance of the vision to all disabled young people and the practicalities and challenges of realising it.

Through responses to this question, the following four overarching themes emerged:

  • Aspiration of the vision statement
  • The vision versus reality
  • Interaction with other policies and other legislation
  • Role of parents/carers

Aspiration of the vision statement

A small number of respondents welcomed the aspiration of the vision statement, however a significant minority noted it did not reflect the needs of young people who lack capacity for decision making or to independently identify their own goals.

This definition is appropriate and describes an empowering vision.

This entirely misses out a group of disabled young people who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves.

A significant minority proposed a range of alternatives to the language used within the vision statement, including ‘safe’, ‘respected’, and ‘path to the future’ (instead of ‘success’). A few respondents also mentioned that there may be challenges to measuring ‘happy’, as proposed by the vision statement, and suggested alternatives such as ‘resilient’, ‘aspirational’ or ‘confident’.

The vision versus reality

A significant minority of respondents expressed that the realisation of the vision would be dependent on sufficient resources and suitable support options being available to young people, including opportunities for them to transition to. It was generally felt that more resources are required to support disabled young people in order for the vision to become a reality.

Where support was available to young people, a small number of respondents noted it lacked choice, or could change suddenly due to factors such as local authority availability or transitioning between children’s and adult’s services. This was particularly noted by a small number of respondents as being the case for young people with complex support needs, and for those living in rural areas. A small number of respondents highlighted sector specific challenges, particularly in health, where they felt there were no equivalent adult services to transition to.

Improved provision of information was noted as important by a small number of respondents so disabled young people know what they can expect to receive. It was felt that clearer guidance about how they can access available support, as early as possible, would assist disabled young people to make informed decisions about their future.

This is very aspirational and what we would want. My experience as a parent and professional in education is that this is significantly hampered by lack of resource and flexibility of options for planning etc.

Being as healthy as is possible, supported by appropriately trained health and social care professionals, identifying and mapping adult equivalents to their paediatric multidisciplinary team, first and foremost needs to be recognised.

My young person and his peer group in his class are leaving school with no ability to gain further education or attend any suitable activities...Without the provision of opportunity it is a waste of a vision and time.

I don’t have anyone to transition my patients to though - I have no equivalent in adult services.

Interaction with other policies and other legislation

A small number of respondents felt that there should be greater emphasis within the vision statement on upholding children’s rights, as outlined in The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Role of parents/carers

A significant minority felt that the vision should also recognise the role of parents/carers. This was seen as particularly vital for young people with complex needs, who may not have the capacity to make decisions for themselves.



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