National Planning Framework 4: explanatory report

This explanatory report accompanies our National Planning Framework 4 revised draft. It provides a summary of the representations made through our consultation on Draft National Planning Framework 4 and sets out the changes made in response to those reviews.

List of Acronyms Used in Explanatory Report

20MN - 20 minute neighbourhood

the 2019 Act - the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019

the Act - The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended)

AoC -Agent of Change

BARR - Buildings at Risk Register

BGI-Blue Green Infrastructure

BRIA - Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

CCC - Climate Change Committee

CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage

Circular 3/2012 - Planning Circular 3/2012: planning obligations and good neighbour agreements (revised 2020)

Circular 4/1998 - Planning Circular 4/1998: the use of conditions in planning permissions

COSLA - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

Covid19 - Coronavirus

CPO - Compulsory Purchase Order

CSGN - Central Scotland Green Network

CWB - Community wealth building

DM - Development management

DMRB - Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

DPMTAG - Development Planning and Management Transport Appraisal Guidance

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

ETSU – R – 97 - A commonly applied methodology for wind farm noise impact assessment

EV - Electric vehicle

HES - Historic Environment Scotland

HIA - Health Impact Assessment

HIIA - Health Inequality Impact Assessment

HLA - Housing Land Audit

HLR - Housing Land Requirement

HNDA - Housing Need and Demand Assessment

HSCSC - Health, Social Care and Sport Committee (of the Scottish Parliament)

IF - Infrastructure First

IIA - Integrated Impact Assessment

IIH - Infrastructure Investment Hierarchy

IIP - Infrastructure Investment Plan

INTOG - Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas Leasing

LA - Local Authority

LBAPs - Local Biodiversity Action Plans

LDP(s) - Local Development Plan(s)

LGHP - Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee (of the Scottish Parliament)

LPP - Local Place Plan

Km - kilometre

MATHLR - Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirement

MW - Megawatt

NDs - National Developments

NFU - National Farmers Union

NPF - National Planning Framework

NPF4 - National Planning Framework 4

NTS2 - National Transport Strategy 2

NWCWN - National Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Network

OSS - Open Space Strategy

PAN 1/2011 - Planning Advice Note 1/2011: Planning and noise

PAN 2/2011 - Planning Advice Note 2/2011: Planning and archaeology

PAS - Planning Aid Scotland

PAs - Planning authorities

Para(s) - Paragraph(s)

RAINE - Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee (of the Scottish Parliament)

RSS(s) - Regional Spatial Strategy/(Strategies)

RTS - Regional Transport Strategy

RTPI - Royal Town Planning Institute

S75 - Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning Act on planning obligations

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

SG - Scottish Government

SPA - Special Protection Area

SPP - Scottish Planning Policy (2014)

STPR (2) - Strategic Transport Projects Review 2

STH - Sustainable Travel Hierarchy

SUDS - Sustainable Drainage Systems

TPO(s) - Tree Preservation Orders

UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

VDL - Vacant and Derelict Land

WEWS - Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003



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