National guidance for child protection 2021: consultation report
This report shows the results of the public consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection in Scotland, and our response to the results.
Ministerial Foreword

The revision of the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland has been a collaborative process, with a multi-agency Steering Group providing strategic oversight. Development has involved extensive engagement across a wide range of stakeholders and through a public consultation to ensure that full account is taken of developments and new thinking. I am delighted to share the report of this work which has been instrumental in the development of the revised guidance.
Draft Guidance, incorporating our understanding of best practice and 'what works' from various sources, including practitioner and stakeholder experience, inspections, research and learning from Significant Case Reviews was the subject of public consultation which took place between 21 October 2020 and 31 January 2021. A total of 159 consultation responses were received in addition to feedback from seven virtual stakeholder engagement events. The number and diversity of organisations and individuals that took the time to respond reflects a real sense of collective responsibility for children and young people's wellbeing in Scotland and I am grateful to every one of those respondents.
The consultation and engagement events provided a wide range of suggestions for revision and improvement. Views have informed and shaped the final version and many suggestions will continue to inform the development of local procedures and processes and the delivery of wider strategic developments.
I would like to thank the Steering Group members for their strategic oversight and scrutiny, and the hundreds of stakeholder organisations and individuals who have engaged with the revision process and responded to the public consultation, particularly at a time of great challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Clare Haughey
Minister for Children and Young People
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