National Council of Rural Advisers minutes: November 2017

Minutes of the meeting of the National Council of Rural Advisers, held on 28-29 November 2017.

Attendees and apologies



  • Lorne Crerar (28 Nov, 29 Nov am only)
  • Alison Milne
  • Willie Cameron
  • Henry Graham
  • Lynn Mann
  • Sarah Allison (28 Nov, 29 Nov am only)
  • Sarah Simpson
  • David Sulman
  • Jackie Brierton
  • Marion MacCormick
  • Jim McLaren
  • Alan Laidlaw
  • Archie Gibson (29 Nov only)

Scottish Government:

  • Catriona Maclean
  • Billy McKenzie
  • Alistair Prior
  • Amanda Fox
  • Pamela Berry
  • Lorraine Macrae


  • John Kinnaird

Items and actions

Action Point Log

No Topic Action Lead Deadline / Update
1 Brexit report Send Brexit doc out to rural stakeholders NCRA secretariat
2 Strategic Board Engage with SG officials about the clash of dates with the Strategic Board NCRA secretariat
3 Engagement Influencing matrix to be circulated NCRA secretariat
4 Vision Lynn and Sarah S to provide a summary on their discussion groups to contribute to the Rural Scotland in 10 Years’ Time Vision. Lynn Mann/Sarah Simpson
5 Skills Henry to send a brief summary of skills Henry Graham
6 Comms and Engagement Subgroup (consisting of Jackie, Alan, David, Archie & Marion) to convene NCRA secretariat
7 Comms and Engagement SG to circulate voicefile & P&J opinion piece to NCRA members. Voice file to be circulated to the general public via the Scottish Rural Network. NCRA secretariat
8 Research Harper Adams and others are keen to research rural economy on Scottish context Jackie Brierton to provide contacts
9 Engagement NCRA to engage with Cross Party Group (contact Jane Atterton) NCRA secretariat



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