National Council of Rural Advisers minutes: January 2018

Minutes of the meeting of the National Council of Rural Advisers, held on 21 January 2018.

Attendees and apologies


  • Alison Milne
  • Henry Graham
  • Lynn Mann
  • Sarah Allison
  • David Sulman
  • Jackie Brierton
  • Marion MacCormick
  • Jim McLaren
  • Archie Gibson
  • John Kinnaird

Scottish Government

  • Amanda Fox
  • Pamela Berry
  • Lorraine Macrae
  • Eva Kleinert


  • Lorne Crerar
  • Willie Cameron
  • Sarah Simpson
  • Alan Laidlaw

Items and actions


09:30 – 10.00 Tea and coffee
10:00 – 10.30 Welcome and introduction
10.30 – 11.30 Stakeholder engagement – How? Discussion on the methods of engagement, including regional workshops
11.30 - 12.30 Stakeholder engagement – Who? Discussion on representatives for workshops and targets for a desk-based survey
1230 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Stakeholder engagement – What? Use the NCRA themes to produce relevant questions for stakeholder discussion (break-out groups)
1400 – 14.15 Tea and coffee
14.15 – 15.15 Stakeholder engagement – Summary session and final agreement on outputs.
15.15 – 15.30 Conclusions and next steps
15.30 – 16.00 AOB
16:00 Close

Action Point Log

No Topic Action Lead Deadline / Update
1 OECD Explore what input the NCRA can have into the OECD conference and what spaces they have available for delegates NCRA secretariat All members of the NCRA should have received an invitation to the OECD conference. Registration closes 30th March.
2 Rural Economy Through a rural lens picture to be circulated Secretariat to circulate Completed (attached)
3 People and Skills Work of the NCRA should build on the work taken forward by the Agricultural Champions with land based skill requirements to represent the whole of the rural economy NCRA members/ NCRA Secretariat Ongoing
4 Consultation responses Circulate responses to the Agricultural Champions consultation which relate to the rural economy NCRA secretariat Completed
5 SG consultations / policies A paper to be produced that outlines key consultations / policies that affect rural Scotland to include socio environmental work RESAS Completed
6 Next meeting presentations To invite SG policy officials from the Land Use Strategy and wider land reform agenda and Regional Economic Partnerships to present to the NCRA at the February meeting NCRA secretariat Completed. Presentations on 28th Feb.
7 Communications A skeletal communications plan to be drafted and circulated Marion Completed
8 Communications Marion to be the Communications subgroup point of contact and to liaise with Alison to ensure activities are aligned. Marion / Alison Ongoing
9 Communications A whatsapp group to be set up between the NCRA members Sarah Members to confirm
10 Communications Use pre-existing communications activities to highlight NCRA activity e.g. video clips on different skills / roles NCRA members to identify and engage with Comms sub group Outstanding
11 Regional workshops Finalise package for stakeholder engagement focus groups which will include: facilitator brief including prompts, NCRA overview, key messaging etc. Wording for invitations with requests. Alison Completed
12 Regional workshops Locations for focus groups to be finalised Alison Completed
13 Regional workshops Invite list to be complied (12 – 14 people per event) NCRA members to send in suggestions with contact details & which location they would be best suited to. Completed
14 Regional workshops Logistics of the events i.e. booking venues, sending out invitations, arranging facilitators etc NCRA Secretariat / SRN / RESAS Completed
15 Regional workshops Use pre-existing events to engage with stakeholders e.g. LEADER /LAGS co-ordinator meeting (30 – 31st Jan) NCRA members and Secretariat to suggest events Outstanding
16 Regional workshops Explore the cost and availability of a graphic illustrator NCRA secretariat Completed
17 Regional workshops Explore people attending the events can claim for their travel NCRA secretariat Completed
18 Brexit report NCRA want to chase for a response from Mr Ewing on their Brexit report NCRA secretariat On going (ASAP)



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