National Council of Rural Advisers minutes: April 2018

Minutes of the meeting of the National Council of Rural Advisers, held on 26 April 2018.

Attendees and apologies


  • Alison Milne
  • Alan Laidlaw
  • Jackie Brierton
  • Sarah Allison
  • Marion MacCormick
  • Archie Gibson
  • David Sulman
  • Sarah Simpson
  • Henry Graham
  • Lorne Crerar
  • Donald MacLean (Strategy Story)

Scottish Government

  • Pamela Berry
  • Amanda Fox
  • Lorraine Macrae
  • Eva Kleinert


  • prof. Sarah Skerratt (SRUC)


  • Jim McLaren
  • Lynn Mann
  • Willie Cameron
  • John Kinnaird

Items and actions

Action point log

No. Topic Action Lead Deadline/Update
1 Rural Economy Sarah Skerratt presentation slides to be circulated NCRA secretariat to circulate Completed
2 Rural Economy Sarah Skerratt and Alison Milne to have a follow up discussion Alison Milne ASAP
3 Rural Economy Sarah Skerratt to provide copies of her reports NCRA secretariat to circulate ASAP
4 Rural Economy Sarah Skerratt to follow up with SEFARI Sarah Skerratt ASAP
5 Rural Economy Sarah Skerratt to explore a map of rural polices and a map of financial support Sarah Skerratt ASAP
6 Rural Economy NCRA members to have bilaterals with stakeholders to update them on the NCRA’s progression and how they (stakeholders) will input NCRA Members On-going
7 Rural Economy Explore if an NCRA member can be involved in the rural economy theme of the South of Scotland Agency work Lorne Crerar 18 May 2018
8 Regional Workshops Membership organisation workshop has been rescheduled to 11 May 2018 Alison Milne/RECD 11 May 2018
9 Rural Youth Survey NCRA to have on-going discussions on how we can work with the Rural Youth Survey Alison Milne Ongoing
10 Research Explore RDC RECD / Jim McLaren By next meeting
11 Research Explore different organisational models RECD / RESAS By next meeting
12 Research Get a paper from F&D colleagues regarding set up of SF&D RECD/ SG F&D 4 May 2018
13 Research Explore the possibility of defining the value of the Rural Economy RESAS By next meeting
14 Consultation Agricultural Champions want NCRA to see a draft of the Agricultural Champions Report to ensure both the NCRA and AG reports work together Archie Gibson/Henry Graham/John Kinnaird/Marion MacCormick Before publication in May
15 RHS Explore options of NCRA representation at panel events RECD By end of May
16 Skills event Members to send suggestions for skills event steering group NCRA members ASAP
17 Subsequent Meetings Next dates and locations are as follows: 24 May 2018 - Harper McLeod offices, Glasgow, 2 August 2018 - Ingliston House, 12 September 2018 - Harper McLeod offices, Glasgow NCRA secretariat to circulate Complete



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