Publication - Minutes
National Council of Rural Advisers minutes: April 2018
- Published
- 6 August 2018
- Directorate
- Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate
- Topic
- Farming and rural
- Date of meeting
- 26 April 2018
- Location
- Ingliston House
Minutes of the meeting of the National Council of Rural Advisers, held on 26 April 2018.
Attendees and apologies
- Alison Milne
- Alan Laidlaw
- Jackie Brierton
- Sarah Allison
- Marion MacCormick
- Archie Gibson
- David Sulman
- Sarah Simpson
- Henry Graham
- Lorne Crerar
- Donald MacLean (Strategy Story)
Scottish Government
- Pamela Berry
- Amanda Fox
- Lorraine Macrae
- Eva Kleinert
- prof. Sarah Skerratt (SRUC)
- Jim McLaren
- Lynn Mann
- Willie Cameron
- John Kinnaird
Items and actions
Action point log
No. | Topic | Action | Lead | Deadline/Update |
1 | Rural Economy | Sarah Skerratt presentation slides to be circulated | NCRA secretariat to circulate | Completed |
2 | Rural Economy | Sarah Skerratt and Alison Milne to have a follow up discussion | Alison Milne | ASAP |
3 | Rural Economy | Sarah Skerratt to provide copies of her reports | NCRA secretariat to circulate | ASAP |
4 | Rural Economy | Sarah Skerratt to follow up with SEFARI | Sarah Skerratt | ASAP |
5 | Rural Economy | Sarah Skerratt to explore a map of rural polices and a map of financial support | Sarah Skerratt | ASAP |
6 | Rural Economy | NCRA members to have bilaterals with stakeholders to update them on the NCRA’s progression and how they (stakeholders) will input | NCRA Members | On-going |
7 | Rural Economy | Explore if an NCRA member can be involved in the rural economy theme of the South of Scotland Agency work | Lorne Crerar | 18 May 2018 |
8 | Regional Workshops | Membership organisation workshop has been rescheduled to 11 May 2018 | Alison Milne/RECD | 11 May 2018 |
9 | Rural Youth Survey | NCRA to have on-going discussions on how we can work with the Rural Youth Survey | Alison Milne | Ongoing |
10 | Research | Explore RDC | RECD / Jim McLaren | By next meeting |
11 | Research | Explore different organisational models | RECD / RESAS | By next meeting |
12 | Research | Get a paper from F&D colleagues regarding set up of SF&D | RECD/ SG F&D | 4 May 2018 |
13 | Research | Explore the possibility of defining the value of the Rural Economy | RESAS | By next meeting |
14 | Consultation | Agricultural Champions want NCRA to see a draft of the Agricultural Champions Report to ensure both the NCRA and AG reports work together | Archie Gibson/Henry Graham/John Kinnaird/Marion MacCormick | Before publication in May |
15 | RHS | Explore options of NCRA representation at panel events | RECD | By end of May |
16 | Skills event | Members to send suggestions for skills event steering group | NCRA members | ASAP |
17 | Subsequent Meetings | Next dates and locations are as follows: 24 May 2018 - Harper McLeod offices, Glasgow, 2 August 2018 - Ingliston House, 12 September 2018 - Harper McLeod offices, Glasgow | NCRA secretariat to circulate | Complete |
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