A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland - Summary

Scotland’s National Clinical Strategy sets out ideas on how NHSScotland needs

to change to ensure health and social care services are fit for the future.

Making it work

The National Clinical Strategy sets out ideas on how services need to change to provide a sustainable health and social care service fit for the future. Its vision is both ambitious and challenging.

Scotland has a long tradition of providing high-quality health and social care services. We believe that making the changes set out in the strategy will ensure that it continues to be seen as a country rich in innovation, with a clear focus on effectiveness, efficiency and the provision of world-leading person-centred services.

We recognise, however, that the Strategy is not the finished article. It has been developed though wide-ranging engagement and this will continue.

We will continue to discuss with professionals and the public to ensure that the National Clinical Strategy genuinely supports us in planning change for an even better future.


Email: Karen MacNee

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