
A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland - Summary

Scotland’s National Clinical Strategy sets out ideas on how NHSScotland needs

to change to ensure health and social care services are fit for the future.


" We will continue to discuss with professionals and the public to ensure that the National Clinical Strategy genuinely supports us in planning change for an even better future."

Scotland's National Clinical Strategy sets out ideas on how NHSScotland needs to change to ensure health and social care services are fit for the future.

We are looking at an approach that will guide the way services across Scotland develop over the next 10-15 years. We're not setting out exactly what needs to be done - that is for NHS Boards and the new Integration Joint Boards to plan and deliver. Instead, we're offering a high-level vision, based on the best research evidence available, of what change is needed.

The National Clinical Strategy sets out the case for:

  • planning and delivering integrated primary care services, like GP practices and community hospitals, around the needs of local communities
  • restructuring how our hospitals can best serve the people of Scotland
  • making sure the care provided in NHSScotland is the right care for an individual, that it works, and that it is sustainable
  • changing the way the NHS works through new technology.


Email: Karen MacNee

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