National Care Standards Review

Almost all of us will use a care service at some point in our lives. This consultation asks you to play your part in shaping the quality standards for services that the people of Scotland deserve.

Annex A: National Care Standards

Services for Adults
Care homes for older people
Support services
Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems
Care homes for people with learning disabilities
Care homes for people with mental health problems
Adult placement services
Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment
Housing support services
Services for people in criminal justice supported accommodation
Short breaks and respite care

Services for Children and Young People
Adoption agencies
Care homes for children and young people
Childcare agencies
Early education and childcare up to the age of 16
Foster care and family placement services
School care accommodation services

Services for Everybody
Care at home
Hospice care
Independent hospitals
Independent specialist clinics
Nurse agencies
Independent medical consultant and GP services
Dental services


Email: National Care Standards Review

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