National Care Standards Housing Support Services: 5 Language Translations

Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengal/Bangaldeshi and Gujarati.

Choosing to leave or end the service

Introduction to Standard 9

Choosing to leave or end the service should be a positive experience. You should be able to choose when to leave or end the service.

If choosing to end the service is to be successful, you must be able to take your time. You must be supported by the people around you.

Standard 9

You and the housing support service provider will plan and discuss how to end the service.

1 You will know about any action that is being taken (usually with your agreement) to end a contract, service or housing support arrangement.

2 You will have discussed ending your housing support service at your personal plan reviews.

3 Your housing support service provider will help you if you decide to use a different service.

4 You can end your housing support service after talking about this with your housing support provider.

5 You will know what will happen to any records that relate to you when the housing support service ends or changes. If your records have to be passed on to a new housing support provider, they will be complete and up to date, and will have been put together with your involvement and agreement.


Email: Corinne Laird

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