
National Care Standards - Easy Read Version

Report of the Independent Analysis of the responses to the National Care Standards public consultation

National Care Standards: Easy Read Summary

The National Care Standards were made to help people understand what they should expect from care services.

person holding piece of paper

They also help services understand the standards that they should deliver.

group of carers

The Scottish Government want the standards to be updated and made better. They asked lots of people about how they could improve the standards.

two people with speach bubbles

This easy read summary will tell you what people said.

person reading an easy read document

The Scottish Government believe that the new National Care Standards should focus on people's human rights.

paper with Rights

This means that people who use services would be very involved in saying how services are planned and delivered.

magnifying glass looking at people

92% of people agreed with the Scottish Government.

They said that it is important that all people are treated the same.

person giving the thumbs up

They also said that this will give people who use services the chance to be more involved in making important decisions.

person looking at picture of a house and flats

Some people were worried that there might not be enough money to improve some services. This means that some people might not get the quality of service that they are expecting.

twenty pound note

The Scottish Government asked if they should make a set of general standards that can be used in all services.

82% of people who answered this question agreed that a set of general standards should be made.

person reading document

Some people said that the general standards would be very helpful to people:

  • Who move from one service to another
  • Who are using the system for the first time
  • Who are using more than one type of service
  • Who are delivering care across more than one type of service

person in wheelchair with carers

Some people were worried that general standards might be less useful. They think that it might be more difficult to see how well services are working.

thumbs down

The Scottish Government think that the National Care Standards should reflect people's needs just now. They should also think about what will happen in the future.

people sitting with a dog

75% of people agreed with this.

person giving the thumbs up

People thought that this would help to improve the quality of care through all services. It would help people to want to keep making services better.

bar chart for services

Some people said it would make the standards more complicated.

person with ? above their head

Most people want the standards to make care services provide very good care for people using them now.

clipboard with a green tick

Most people did not think that services providing poor care should say they are working to make services better in the future.

person in wheelchair holding red cross

The Scottish Government asked if sets of individual standards should be developed for certain areas of care and need.

standards pointing at healthcare

79% of people said that they agreed that sets of individual standards should be developed for certain areas of care and need.

person giving the thumbs up

People said that this would be more meaningful and helpful.

Some people felt that this would be a better way to see how well services are doing.

person holding piece of paper

Others said that this would make people who provide services work together more.

people sitting around a meeting table

Some people felt that there might be too many standards. The aim was to cut down on the number of standards.

Others said that it does not focus on the whole person and their needs.

person reading a book

The Scottish Government asked about how the standards should be written.

person with clipboard

People said that the standards should be simple and easy to understand.

person sitting on a chair reading

They should also make it clear when a service provider is not meeting the standards.

person holding clipboard with red cross

Other people said that there should be accessible versions of the standards.

This includes:

  • Easy read
  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio
  • Other languages

Braille and CD-ROM

Many people said that the standards should be written with:

  • People who use services
  • Carers
  • People who provide services

person pushing someone in wheelchair

The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland make sure that services are being delivered properly. They have standards which services must work towards. The way they check that services are meeting the standards is being looked at.

The Scottish Government asked if the new standards should be used as part of this checking process.

person looking through magnifying glass

88% of people agreed that they should.

person giving the thumbs up

People said that without the checking process the standards would not work as well.

person holding clipboard with red cross

The Scottish Government asked how they could make sure that services not regulated by the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland should follow the new standards.

People said that all providers of health and social care should become regulated.

document with a box checked with a green tick

Other people said that service providers and people who use services should be made aware of the standards. This means people will expect good standards.

people discussing piece of paper

It means that it will be easier to see when services are not meeting the standards.

person holding document with boxes checked with red crosses

The Scottish Government think the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland should develop the set of new standards. They should talk to other relevant people when they are doing this.

people sitting around a meeting table

85% of people agreed with this.

People felt that developing the standards in this way would be meaningful and easy to follow.

person giving the thumbs up

Other comments

People need to talk more about the new standards before they become final.

The Scottish Government need to make sure that they talk to lots of different people.

people sitting around a meeting table with checklist numbered one to five


Email: Connie Smith

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