
Miners' strike 1984/85 pardon consultation: analysis of responses

Findings from the analysis of the responses received to the consultation, which ran from 12 March 2021 to 4 June 2021.

Annex 3: Response rates to individual questions (substantive responses only)

Part 1: Range of offences suggested by the independent review group
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
1. Do you agree that miners convicted of Breach of the Peace related to the Strike should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 291 (99%) 13 (100%) 304 (99%)
Please explain your answer. 212 (72%) 12 (92%) 224 (73%)
2. Do you agree that miners convicted of Breach of Bail related to the Strike should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 289 (98%) 12 (92%) 301 (98%)
Please explain your answer. 183 (62%) 12 (92%) 195 (64%)
Part 2: Other offence-related matters for consideration
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
3. Are there any other offences which miners were convicted for and which related to the Strike that you think should be included in the qualifying criteria? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 284 (97%) 12 (92%) 296 (96%)
If yes, please tell us what other offences you think should be included in the criteria. 104 (35%) 8 (62%) 112 (36%)
4. Do you think that miners who were convicted of a single offence related to the Strike should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 290 (99%) 12 (92%) 302 (98%)
Please explain your answer. 156 (53%) 12 (92%) 168 (55%)
5. Do you think that miners who were convicted of multiple offences related to the Strike should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 286 (97%) 12 (92%) 298 (97%)
Please explain your answer. 154 (52%) 12 (92%) 166 (54%)
Part 3: Previous or subsequent convictions
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
6. Do you agree that miners who had been convicted of an offence before the Strike began in March 1984 should be pardoned for offences committed during the Strike? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 289 (98%) 13 (100%) 302 (98%)
Please explain your answer. 150 (51%) 12 (92%) 162 (53%)
7. Do you agree that miners who were convicted of an offence after the Strike ended in March 1985, and which did not relate to conduct during the Strike, should be pardoned for a conviction related to the Strike? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 285 (97%) 13 (100%) 298 (97%)
Please explain your answer. 137 (47%) 12 (92%) 149 (49%)
8. In considering your responses to question 6 and question 7, do you think that the severity of the offending is relevant? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 284 (97%) 13 (100%) 297 (97%)
Please explain your answer. 124 (42%) 10 (77%) 134 (44%)
Part 4: Consequences of the convictions
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
9. Do you agree that miners whose conviction relating to the Strike resulted in a non-custodial sentence (such as a fine or a community service order), should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 290 (99%) 13 (100%) 303 (99%)
Please explain your answer. 138 (47%) 11 (85%) 149 (49%)
10. Do you think that miners whose conviction relating to the Strike resulted in imprisonment should be pardoned? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] 287 (98%) 13 (100%) 300 (98%)
Please explain your answer. 143 (49%) 12 (92%) 155 (50%)
11. Thinking about the fact that some miners were dismissed by the National Coal Board, as a result of a conviction relating to the Strike, and others were not, which of the following statements most closely matches your view (please select one option only)? [All miners who meet the criteria should be pardoned, regardless of whether or not they were dismissed by the National Coal Board. / Only miners who meet the criteria AND were dismissed by the National Coal Board should be pardoned. / Neither of the above. / Don’t know/No opinion] 285 (97%) 13 (100%) 298 (97%)
Please explain your answer. 120 (41%) 11 (85%) 131 (43%)
Part 5: Further criteria / comments
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
12. Are there any other criteria that should be added to those mentioned above? [Yes / No / Don’t know/No opinion] The table for Q12 is not presented in the report. See paragraph 7.3. 272 (93%) 12 (92%) 284 (93%)
Please explain your answer. 57 (19%) 8 (62%) 65 (21%)
13. Do you have any further comments that you would like to make concerning the criteria? If so, please use the box below. 94 (32%) 9 (69%) 103 (34%)
Part 6: Equality Impact Assessment
Question Individuals (294 responses) Organisations (13 responses) Total (307 responses)
14. If you have any comments on the partial EQIA, please tell us, using the box below. 17 (6%) 2 (15%) 19 (6%)



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