
Marine mammals: methodology for combining data

This report introduces a method for integrating digital aerial survey data and passive acoustic baseline data to record the abundance and distribution of marine mammals. The report applies the method in a test case study and provides recommendations on data collection.


The authors would like to thank the Scottish Government for funding the project, with specific thanks to Scottish Government officials involved directly with the project for their support and input. We would also like to thank the project steering group (Dr. Susannah Calderan, Scottish Association for Marine Science; Dr. Ross Culloch, APEM Ltd., Dr. Isla Graham, Cairngorms National Park Authority; Rona McCann, NatureScot) for their feedback. We are also grateful to: Prof. Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen, for providing data for the case study, Dr. Laura Williamson, Ocean Science Consulting Ltd., for providing additional data support, and Prof. David Borchers for input at the start of the project. We would also like to acknowledge the funders of the case study data collection. PAM data collection was funded by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), the Scottish Government, Oil and Gas UK Ltd and Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment (COWRIE). DAS data collection was funded by Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd (now Ocean Winds) and DAS data were collected by HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd.



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