
Mental Health Strategy 2012-2015: easy read

Easy read version of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland 2012 to 2015.

What have we done so far?

The Scottish Government has worked with the NHS, local government, the voluntary sector and service users and carers to make sure that mental health problems are taken just as seriously as any other health problem.

Here are some of the improvements that have been made:


We have reduced the number of people who are sent home from hospital but then have to go back in again.


The number of people who kill themselves has dropped. We have trained front line staff to be more understanding of people who are at risk of suicide.


Scottish NHS boards are the best in the UK at spotting and dealing with dementia.

Psychological Therapies

We are working towards giving people who need psychological and talking therapies faster in Scotland.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

We are reducing waiting times for child and adolescent mental health services. There was a report in 2003 that suggested how we could improve these services. We have made the changes suggested by the report and are continuing to do better.


Email: Katherine Christie

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