
Mental Health Inpatient Census 2023 Part 3: hospital-based complex clinical care and long stay

Results from the Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care (HBCCC) and Long Stay Census, carried out in April 2023. The data was collected as part of the Inpatient Census.

Key Points 

  • in the 2023 census, there were 1,323 patients in Hospital-based complex clinical care (HBCCC) or long-stay.
  • these patients were primarily from older age groups. Only 19 (1%) patients were under 18 years old, while 530 (40%) were aged 65 or older. 
  • the majority of patients in the Census identified as White Scottish, accounting for 68%. 

Key findings: Patients in receipt of Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care (HBCCC) 

  • there were 637 patients receiving Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care. 
  • among them, 508 (80%) patients receiving HBCCC were in a Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Bed within an NHS Scotland facility on the Census date. 
  • 79 (12%) patients were in a General Acute / Community Hospital NHS Scotland facility. There were 50 (8%) patients treated outwith NHS Scotland. 
  • in the HBCCC patient group, 58% were male, and 42% were female. 
  • among these patients, 262 (41%) were under the care of a consultant specialising in Psychiatry of Old Age. 
  • out of all HBCCC patients, 160 (25%) had been in the hospital for less than 6 months at the Census date. 

Key findings: Long Stay patients (who are not in receipt of HBCCC) 

  • there were 686 Long Stay patients who were not receiving HBCCC.
  • among these patients, 558 (81%) were in a Mental Health, Learning Disability, or Addiction Inpatient Bed within an NHS Scotland facility on the Census date. 
  • 58 (8%) patients were in a General Acute / Community Hospital NHS Scotland facility, while 70 (10%) patients were treated outwith NHS Scotland. 
  • in the Long Stay patient group, 60% were male, and 40% were female. 
  • out of these patients, 281 (41%) were under the care of a consultant specialising in General Psychiatry. 
  • among Long Stay patients, 128 (19%) had been in the hospital for at least 5 years. 
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