
Marine litter strategy: consultation

This consultation proposes new priority actions to tackle marine litter in Scotland, building on the work already conducted through the original strategy. Responses to this consultation will inform the final updated Marine Litter Strategy and action plan before it is published.

4. Strategic Directions and Actions

4.1 This section outlines the five objectives for the strategy, which incorporates activity and actions that already exist or are underway within the marine and, where appropriate, the terrestrial context.

4.2 New actions under each strategic direction will complement current activity.

4.3 A new action plan, with full details of the actions outlined in this section including timescales and organisations responsible for the work, is attached at Annex A.

Strategic Direction 1:

Improve public and business attitudes and behaviours around marine and coastal litter, in co-ordination with the national litter and flytipping strategy

4.4 Research suggests that the majority of marine litter originates from terrestrial sources. Meeting the challenge of addressing marine litter levels will depend on businesses and individuals, whether at sea or ashore, playing their part by recognising and taking responsibility for their own actions.

4.5 There are currently a range of initiatives aimed at: reducing marine litter, raising awareness of the problem, or changing behaviour.

Action to date has included:

The Scottish Government, with Zero Waste Scotland, has:

  • Developed a communications toolkit for delivery partners and a behaviour change marketing campaign to discourage littering.
  • Started work to better understand links between enforcement delivery and the legal system, in regard to littering and flytipping.
  • Supported the Transport Litter Group's Litter Week of Action to cut litter on the transport network.
  • Committed to working with the fishing sector and coastal communities to develop proposals to tackle the issue of fishing litter and lost gear.
  • Hosted the British-Irish Council Marine Litter Symposium in 2019, where a joint commitment was made to improve collection and recycling of end of life fishing gear.
  • Hosted an international marine conference in 2019, where the Trial Period campaign was launched to encourage the use of reusable sanitary products.
  • Committed to introducing a deposit-return scheme for glass, metal, and plastic drinks containers.
  • Taken forward legislation to:
    • Increase the fixed penalties for litter and flytipping, from £50 each, to £80 and £200 respectively.
    • Create powers for Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park to issue fixed penalties for littering and flytipping.
    • Create a requirement for alleged littering offenders to provide their name and address to enforcement officers.
    • Update the Code of Practice for Litter and Refuse, which improved clarity around duties to prevent and clean up litter stated in section 89 of the Environmental Protection Act (1990).
    • Discourage large-scale flytipping, with new powers for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and action by Revenue Scotland and SEPA to recover landfill tax from illegally deposited wastes.
    • Introduce a charging scheme for single-use carrier bags, a highly visible form of litter, from October 2014.
    • Implement a ban on the manufacture and sale of rinse-off personal care products containing plastic microbeads, such as shower gels and toothpastes, from June 2018. Microbeads are a persistent and harmful form of marine litter.
    • Implement a ban on the sale of plastic-stemmed cotton bud sticks, a highly prevalent form of marine litter, from October 2019.

Actions from other organisations include:

  • Keep Scotland Beautiful initiated its Upstream Battle project in 2018. The project works with local communities to inform and educate, in order to change littering behaviours. A network of volunteers have adopted sections of rivers and waterways, and collect and record litter to prevent it reaching the sea.
  • The KIMO Fishing For Litter project has been running in Scotland since 2005. The project involves fishing boats returning marine litter hauled up in their nets to port for safe disposal. The long-term objective of the project is to influence the attitudes and behaviours of fishers, and to increase awareness amongst the fishing industry of the negative impact of marine litter.
  • KIMO and Fidra have produced a community toolkit and best practice guidance for owners, maintenance organisations and users of artificial sports pitches, to reduce this source of microplastic pollution. Scottish Government is working with stakeholders to support the implementation of this Pitch In guidance in Scotland.
  • Scottish Water introduced the Keep the Cycle Running public information campaign, to provide advice on the correct disposal of sanitary items, oils, and fats, in order to prevent sewer blockages.

Planned new actions up to 2027:


Action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)



Responsible lead

Encourage positive behaviour and deter littering and flytipping.

In co-ordination with the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy delivery team, strengthen the enforcement of litter and flytipping regulations.

1) Conduct an evidence review of the barriers to enforcement; and
2) Make necessary changes subject to the outcome of the evidence review.

1) Short term; 2) Medium to long term

Scottish Government - Zero Waste Policy Team

Improve waste management in the fishing and aquaculture sector, by establishing systems to support the collection and recycling of gear.

Develop a waste management scheme that assures improved management of end of life fishing gear. Work will include evidence gathering, industry engagement, policy and legislative development, and consultation.

A waste management scheme for fishing gear (including aquaculture). To align with the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

Medium term (delivery end of 2024)

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Work with the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) to develop a standard for the circular design of fishing gear to facilitate better waste management and reduce environmental impact.

A CEN standard for the circular design of fishing gear (including aquaculture).

Medium term (delivery end of 2024)

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Extend access to Port Waste Reception Facilities to fishing vessels.

All main fishing ports to facilitate responsible end of life gear disposal without additional charges.

Long term

Scottish Government to continue to work with Defra, MCA and other relevant partners on the implementation of this reserved matter

Improve waste management for collected marine litter.

Explore the potential to support the waste sector to consider recycling opportunities for degraded and contaminated marine plastics, including fishing gear.

Capability for processing of marine litter in Scotland.

Long term

Scottish Government

Reduce sewage related debris through a behavioural change campaign.

Develop, launch and run an awareness raising campaign to promote behaviour change and highlight inappropriate flushing of wet wipes and sanitary items containing plastics down the toilet. The campaign will aim to significantly reduce the 36,000 sewer blockages that Scottish Water resolves per annum.

Launch and run a new customer awareness campaign.

Short to medium term (2022-2025)

Scottish Water

Question 1:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 1?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Don't Know


  • Encourage positive behaviour and deter littering and flytipping.
  • Improve waste management in the fishing and aquaculture sector, by establishing systems to support the collection and recycling of gear.
  • Improve waste management for collected marine litter.
  • Reduce sewage related debris through a behavioural change campaign

Question 2:

Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 1 in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute towards its achievement?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please briefly specify any perceived gap(s) in planned actions under Strategic Direction 1 (and any supporting evidence for this)?

Strategic Direction 2:

Reduce marine and coastal based sources of litter, with a focus on the most problematic sources, in co-ordination with land sourced litter being reduced by the national litter and flytipping strategy

4.6 Marine litter stems from two sources: land based sources, and sea based sources. There needs to be an integrated approach to address marine litter and stop it at source.

Action to date has included:

4.7 Significant progress has been made, in particular via work with the plastics industry.

The Scottish Government has:

  • Supported Water UK in their work to develop and promote a 'Fine to Flush' standard across British waste water companies, and encourage wet wipe manufacturers to adopt these standards. The Fine to Flush certification prohibits the use of plastics in these products.
  • Supported the plastic industry's Operation Clean Sweep®, a voluntary initiative to implement handling best practice to prevent pellet loss.
  • Formed the Scottish Plastic Pellet Loss Steering Group (PPLSG). The membership spans the industry supply chain from producer through to transporters and retailers, plus NGOs, regulatory bodies and other relevant organisations.
  • Building on Operation Clean Sweep®, the PPLSG commissioned a report and action plan to prevent the loss of plastic pellets, powders and flakes across the supply chain.
  • Following the supply chain report, Scottish Government sponsored the first industry pellet handling standard, the Publicly Available Specification 510 (PAS).
  • The PPLSG developed minimum requirements for a certification scheme to enable businesses implementing good practice, as per the PAS, when handling or managing pellets to demonstrate this publicly with external auditing and a transparent, public registry.
  • Consulted on legislation to restrict the sale or commercial supply of a number of single use plastic items including plastic cutlery, straws, and food and beverage containers made of expanded polystyrene. These Regulations were laid before the Scottish Parliament in November 2021.

Actions from other organisations include:

  • Ship waste management plans and inspections of Garbage Record Books under the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage and Sewage) Regulations 2008.

Planned new actions up to 2027:


Action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)



Responsible lead

Reduce plastic pellet loss into the marine environment.

Promote across Scottish businesses and across the British Irish Council Region the BSI PAS standard on plastic pellets, flakes and powders. This sets out standards for handling and management of pellets throughout the supply chain to prevent their leakage to the environment.

Increase the numbers of businesses adopting the BSI PAS.

Short to long term

Scottish Government

Work with the plastics industry to ensure the minimum requirements, as agreed with OSPAR, to ensure effectiveness, stringency and transparency are met in the development of a certification scheme to demonstrate implementation of third party auditing of the sites handling or managing plastic pellets.

An international plastic pellet certification scheme.

Short to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland, with the plastics industry

Review uptake of the PAS, and membership of an international plastic pellet certification scheme, once developed.

Review of effectiveness of supply chain approach.

Long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland, with the plastics industry

Improve the ability of the fishing industry to retrieve lost fishing gear from the sea.

Give support to the development or trials of new tools or technologies that could be of use to the Scottish fishing industry, in order to achieve successful retrieval of lost fishing gear.

Engage with technology companies and fishing industry to support uptake of available technology or gear which would improve the likelihood of retrieving lost fishing gear.

Medium to long term

Scottish Government -Marine Scotland Clean Seas Policy Team, Marine Scotland Inshore Fisheries Team; Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group (MLSSG)

Work with the British Standards Institution and the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) to ensure all elements of the waste hierarchy are reflected during the development of the CEN standard for circular design of fishing and aquaculture gear, including supporting reuse by reducing the incidence of gear loss.

CEN standard for the circular design of fishing and aquaculture gear, which includes specifications to address gear loss.

Medium term (delivery end of 2024)

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Reduce sources of sewage-related debris (SRD).

Investigate the potential for legislation to ban the manufacture and sale of wet wipes containing plastic, with a requirement that any alternatives meet the 'Fine to Flush' standard.

Measures to reduce plastic pollution from wet wipes.

Medium to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland Clean Seas Policy Team

Taking an evidence-based approach, consider a range of policy options to reduce sources of sewage-related debris.

Measures to reduce plastic pollution from various types of sewage-related debris.

Long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland Clean Seas Policy Team

Improve understanding of the source of SRD pollution by increasing monitoring of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Expand the network of permanent Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) facilities across the CSOs in Scotland.

Install 31 additional permanent EDM facilities.

Short term (FY 2022/23)

Scottish Water, SEPA

Continued development of Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) programme, to install permanent EDM facilities in Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs).

Gather evidence and consider development of 246 permanent EDM facilities locations, and consider further monitoring as part of Scottish Water's intelligent networks roll-out.

Short to long term (phased work during 2021-2027)

Scottish Water, SEPA

Development of screening at Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) to reduce the quantity of SRD released during spill events.

29 CSO screens designed and developed.

Short term (2022-2023)

Scottish Water

Better understand the impact of SRD by carrying out focused Aesthetic and Feasibility Studies in the Glasgow and Paisley/Renfrew catchments. The aim of the studies is to confirm whether an intermittent discharge (ID) is causing aesthetic impacts from SRD pollution and provide indicative solutions to resolve these issues.

Complete five aesthetic studies.

Long term (2021-2027)

Scottish Water

Question 3:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 2?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Don't Know


  • Reduce plastic pellet loss into the marine environment
  • Improve the ability of the fishing industry to retrieve lost fishing gear from the sea.
  • Reduce sources of sewage-related debris (SRD).

Question 4:

Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 2 in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute towards its achievement?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please briefly specify any perceived gap(s) in planned actions under Strategic Direction 2 (and any supporting evidence for this)?

Strategic Direction 3:

Support the removal of marine litter from the marine and coastal environment

4.8 Significant action is already underway from a wide variety of organisations. These range from small community groups to national NGOs. Some of these initiatives have been in existence for many years or decades, and play a significant part in Scotland's work to tackle marine litter. Notable current actions are listed below. As this is an area of importance covered by a vast number of groups and individuals, this section gives an idea of the range of initiatives underway.

Action to date has included:

The Scottish Government has:

  • Committed £500,000 to begin to address the problem of litter sinks around the coast and to develop policy to address marine plastics, which has involved working with community groups. Arrochar (Loch Long) was identified as a case study area and is being monitored and maintained. 754 tonnes of litter has been removed from this litter sink between 2018-2021.
  • Funded KIMO's Fishing For Litter project, which supports fishermen to remove and bring ashore litter that they catch in their nets.
  • Funded Local Coastal Partnerships around Scotland, who all have a role to play in supporting beach cleans and other efforts to reduce marine litter.
  • Funded SCRAPbook, a collaborative project between the Moray Firth Partnership, Sky Watch and Marine Conservation Society, to map the litter hot spots around Scotland's mainland coastline and support their clean-ups.

Actions taken by other organisations:

  • Keep Scotland Beautiful's Clean Up Scotland campaign has supported thousands of volunteers each year to clean up in their local area and on beaches, preventing litter from ending up in waterways and potentially in the sea. The flagship Spring Clean event is held annually across the country.
  • The Marine Conservation Society has run its UK-wide beach cleaning project Beachwatch since 1993. The annual flagship event, the Great British Beach Clean, involves thousands of volunteers removing tonnes of litter from the coastline each year.

Planned new actions up to 2027:


Action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)



Responsible lead

Reduce the cost of disposal of collected marine litter.

Explore a mechanism to assist communities to reduce costs in disposing of large volumes of collected beach litter.

Information to assist relevant parties (e.g. community groups, NGOs) to dispose of large volumes of beach litter without prohibitive financial costs.

Short to medium term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Increase the number of rivers in Scotland with co-ordinated projects to reduce litter levels, including removal.

Expansion of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Upstream Battle project or equivalent riverine project.

Three of Scotland's main rivers to be involved in litter projects that include removal and responsible disposal of waste.

Medium term


Expansion of the Fishing for Litter project.

Promote the Fishing for Litter scheme within the fishing industry and to ports, harbours and fishers not currently participating.

Increase the total number of vessels participating in the FfL schemes in Scotland by 50% by 2025, compared to a baseline situation in 2021. [NB this figure is currently provisional]

Medium term

KIMO International

Through a (series of) pilot project(s), quantify the practical, economic and logistical challenges of recycling (fouled) marine litter.

Reports from pilot project(s) will detail outcomes and provide suggestions for wider uptake of recycling of marine litter.

Medium term

KIMO International

Support the installation of riverine litter removal technology in the River Clyde.

Stage 1: Project to identify sections of the Clyde suitable for boom instalment. Boom to be installed, litter levels monitored, and debris removed.

Litter boom installed, monitored, and a final report delivered.

Medium term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland; Zero Waste Scotland; Glasgow City Council; SEPA

Stage 2: Using the outputs from Stage 1, install technologies to remove waste continually in conjunction with boom.

A fully automated litter removal system installed and active in the Clyde.

Medium to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland; Zero Waste Scotland; Glasgow City Council; SEPA

Question 5:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 3?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Don't Know


  • Reduce the cost of disposal of collected marine litter
  • Increase the number of rivers in Scotland with co-ordinated projects to reduce litter levels, including removal
  • Expansion of the Fishing for Litter project
  • Support the installation of riverine litter removal technology in the River Clyde

Question 6:

Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 3 in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute towards its achievement?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please briefly specify any perceived gap(s) in planned actions under Strategic Direction 3 (and any supporting evidence for this)?

Strategic Direction 4:

Improve monitoring at a Scottish scale and develop measures for strategy evaluation

4.9 It is widely recognised that the current evidence base for the levels of marine and coastal litter is limited, and the strategy seeks to build on existing data capture and management measures so that we can help deliver appropriate and reliable data. This could help provide information on the types, quantities and distribution of marine litter, to provide an insight into the associated problems and threats and to increase public awareness of the condition of the coastline.

4.10 The UK Marine Strategy is being implemented in a co-ordinated way across the UK Administrations. The UK Marine Strategy Part Two sets out proposals for UK monitoring programmes to monitor progress towards GES, which will be reflected in the marine litter strategy. Data collected for GES monitoring will facilitate reporting on whether the marine litter strategy's aims and objectives are being met.

Action to date has included:

Multiple actions which contribute to OSPAR monitoring programmes:

  • Voluntary action through beach litter surveys using best practice techniques and OSPAR guidelines.
  • Monitoring of seabed litter and floating microplastic litter is conducted by surveys carried out by Marine Scotland vessels.
  • Monitoring of microplastic litter is conducted through sampling dead fulmars for microplastics in stomach contents.
  • Research into a monitoring programme for microscopic plastic particles.

Additional actions:

  • Fidra's Great Nurdle Hunt is a citizen science project recording the presence of plastic pellets on UK beaches.

Planned new actions up to 2027:


Action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)



Responsible lead

Use of Fishing for Litter initiative data to evaluate industry engagement.

In alignment with OSPAR's Fishing for Litter guidelines (i) increase engagement in both new and participating harbours to weigh and monitor FfL waste, and (ii) improve the quality of data collection through training and awareness-raising.

Annual project reports will include weighing and monitoring data from participating harbours, where possible.

Short to medium term

KIMO International

Accurate assessments of marine plastics in Scottish waters.

Work with the UK marine litter community and Defra to i) expand OSPAR monitoring beaches to include an open coast northeast beach, and ii) ensure appropriate monitoring data is available to the Quality Status Report 2023 (QSR2023) assessment team.

An accurate OSPAR QSR2023 assessment of regional marine plastics.

Short term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland Environment Monitoring and Assessment Programme

Development of an agreed methodology for inter-tidal microplastic monitoring.

Work with MASTS and others (Joint Research Council and OSPAR) to contribute to the work to develop a harmonised method for microplastics assessment in sediments. Contribute to the development of an OSPAR agreed methodology for sediment microplastic monitoring.

Joint Research Council microplastics in sediment assessment methodology; and an OSPAR agreed methodology for sediment microplastic monitoring.

Long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland; Heriot Watt University; MASTS

Social science evaluation of the Marine Litter Strategy

Use of a public attitudes survey to obtain data on how the Scottish public values their marine environment, and what actions they would be willing to take to protect it.

A public attitudes survey report.

Long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland Marine Analytical Unit

Understanding Scottish island beach litter

Work with island communities and the Scottish Islands Federation to i) improve monitoring of beach litter on Scottish islands, and ii) understand the sources of marine litter on Scottish island foreshores.

1) To establish an initial pilot study in order to define the issues involved.
2) Using results of pilot study to initiate a Scottish Islands Beach Litter Monitoring Programme.

1) Medium term, and

2) Long term

MLSSG; Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Question 7:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 4?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Don't Know


  • Use of Fishing for Litter initiative data to evaluate industry engagement
  • Accurate assessments of marine plastics in Scottish waters
  • Development of an agreed methodology for inter-tidal microplastic monitoring
  • Social science evaluation of the Marine Litter Strategy
  • Understanding Scottish island beach litter

Question 8:

Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 4?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please briefly specify any perceived gap(s) in planned actions under Strategic Direction 4 (and any supporting evidence for this)?

Strategic Direction 5:

Maintain and strengthen stakeholder co-ordination in Scotland, the UK, regionally, and globally

4.11 Marine litter is a cross-boundary challenge that spreads across a variety of scales and requires action from the local to the international level. The strategy aims to influence actions within its direct sphere of Scotland, and more broadly at the UK, regional, and international levels.

Action to date has included:

  • A Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group was formed by Marine Scotland, comprised of Scottish Government agencies, NGOs, industry, regulatory bodies and others. This stakeholder group meets regularly to share good practice, monitor outputs, and continue to develop the strategy.
  • Scottish Government contributed to the development of the UK Marine Strategy.
  • Scottish Government is a member of OSPAR's Intersessional working group for marine litter, and has supported delivery of the Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter work streams, including Action 52 on plastic pellet loss.
  • Scottish Government has contributed to OSPAR work to produce an updated Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter.

Planned new actions up to 2027:


Action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)



Responsible lead

Expand communications and understanding of Marine Litter Strategy work with delivery partners.

Identify opportunities to engage with relevant authorities and organisations to promote marine litter work.

Attendance at COSLA, islands, Local Coastal Partnership, NGO network, and relevant business events.

Short to long term


Build on and strengthen working relationships with wider UK.

Work with UK Government and Devolved Administrations to share UK-wide approaches on shared issues where appropriate.

Collaborate with UK Government and Devolved Administration colleagues on litter policies relevant to Scotland.

Short to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Increase engagement with OSPAR (which includes the European Commission) through: participation in and implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter; and taking a lead role with relevant actions.

Lead on a relevant task within the updated OSPAR Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter (to be identified once published).

Identify a task at the European or international level that would contribute to the work of the Marine Litter Strategy - task lead and publication of papers.

Short to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Scotland to be represented at two OSPAR committees: Environmental Impact of Human Activities (EIHA); Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication (HASEC).

Attendance and participation at committee meetings.

Short to long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Strengthen co-ordination across the British-Irish Council region.

Through the role of co-chairing the Marine Litter Working Group, Marine Scotland will identify tasks for collaboration regarding shared marine litter problems.

New joint commitments from British-Irish Council members on marine litter.

Long term

Scottish Government - Marine Scotland

Question 9:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the planned actions under each of the following objectives will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Direction 5?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Don't Know


  • Expand communications and understanding of Marine Litter Strategy work with delivery partners
  • Build on and strengthen working relationships with wider UK
  • Increase engagement with OSPAR through: participation in and implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter; and taking a lead role with relevant actions.
  • Strengthen co-ordination across the British-Irish Council region

Question 10:

Do you consider there to be any omissions or gaps in the planned actions identified under Strategic Direction 5 in the Consultation Document that could help to contribute towards its achievement?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please briefly specify any perceived gap(s) in planned actions under Strategic Direction 5 (and any supporting evidence for this)?

Final Comments

Question 11:

Do you have any final comments that you would like to make on the draft Marine Litter Strategy or Action Plan that have not been covered elsewhere in your consultation response?

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

To help us determine the impact of the policies / actions proposed in the consultation, we are interested to find out if these proposals would lead to increased costs and / or impact on resources for you or your business (if applicable).

Any comments received will be used to inform the final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) which would be prepared as part of the strategy development process.

Question 12:

Do you think that any of the proposals / actions in this consultation have any financial, regulatory or resource implications for you and / or your business (if applicable)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know

If "Yes", please specify which of the proposals / actions you refer to and why you believe this would result in financial, regulatory or resource implications for your business.



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