Mapping Flood Disadvantage in Scotland 2015: Research Findings

This document summarises the main findings from the project Mapping Flood Disadvantage in Scotland 2015.


The aim of this research was to provide up-to-date spatial assessment of social vulnerability to flooding and flood disadvantage in Scotland, to enable local authorities, service providers and other agencies to better target work around flood resilience and response, and in particular to assist local authorities in meeting their duties under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. The specific objectives were to:

1. Present the concepts of social vulnerability to flooding and flood disadvantage, and describe the personal, social and environmental factors that make individuals, households or communities vulnerable to flooding.

2. Carry out an assessment of the social vulnerability to flooding and flood disadvantage for Scotland.

3. Analyse the spatial distribution of flood vulnerability and disadvantage in Scotland.

4. Investigate views from local authorities regarding the dataset produced and suggest potential uses of the data through case studies.

The focus of this research was on communities and residential properties. It did not cover commercial properties or economic activities.


Email: Carol Brown

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