
Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund: business regulatory impact assessment

This business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund considers the impacts of the Fund on businesses in Scotland.


Within Government

SG Finance

SG Circular Economy team

SG Consumer Policy & Interventions team

Partner Organisations

A meeting was held with Zero Waste Scotland.

Public Consultation

A full public consultation Making Scotland's Future – a draft Recovery Plan for Manufacturing, and the associated Partial BRIA, was conducted between 4 December 2020 and on 12 February 2021. 53 consultation responses were received for the Recovery Plan. No responses were received for the Partial BRIA.

The Recovery Plan proposed a series of 5 action Adaptation and Transformation points (action points AT1 – AT5), designed to enable manufacturing to become more resilient, productive, digitally enabled, sustainable, domestically and globally competitive and ultimately thrive in a net zero economy as low carbon products become increasingly attractive to consumers and buyers. In particular action point AT2 sets, as an immediate action, how the LCMCF will be used "to drive collaborative development across supply chains of new manufacturing processes and technologies to support the transition to a circular net zero economy". 3 out of the 53 consultation responses provided feedback on this particular action point, with a further 56 individual comments being provided in relation to the Adaptation and Transformation action points.

There will be no public consultation on the LCMCF. Public consultation on the impact of the LCMCF on business will be conducted via publication of the Partial BRIA.


The full public consultation on Making Scotland's Future – a Recovery Plan for Manufacturing and the associated BRIA, provided businesses with an initial opportunity to respond to Adaptation and Transformation action points, in particular AT2.

The Recovery Plan, has been designed in collaboration, and through consultation with, the Making Scotland's Future Programme Board and sub-groups consisting of representatives from industry, public sector, trade union and academia.

Further consultation on the LCMCF will take place through Scottish Government engaging with stakeholders from industry, public sector, trade union, academia and partner agencies.

Wider business consultation on the impact of the LCMCF will be conducted via publication of the Partial BRIA.



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