
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES): phase 2 pilots evaluation

LHEES aim to establish local authority plans for systematically improving the energy efficiency of buildings and decarbonising heat. This report presents an evaluation of the Phase 2 pilots focusing on the organisational and social aspects, and a review of reports generated by the projects.

7. Appendix 2: Local Authority Reports Summary Table*

Council Sector Scope Data sources LHEES Stages Completed Recommended measures Cost Carbon savings
Aberdeen- shire Small and Medium Enterprises Focus on Peterhead and Inverurie OS AddressBase Plus; Scotland Heat Map NOMIS; Off-gas postcodes (UK Government)  Local Development Plan  Report focusses primarily on Stages 1 and 2. Some effort was also made to consider Stage 3, although data availability and quality issues meant that it was challenging. No socio-economic assessment carried out (Stage 4), and no costing for the different solutions provided (Stage 6). Instead, the focus is on the carbon savings of potential measures.  For retail zones and high street shops, lighting and air-source heat pumps (ASHP) were identified as potential interventions for carbon reduction.  For council-owned workshops, suggestions with feasible payback periods include LEDs and ASHP, but also 7-day heating controls, solar PV and electric radiant heating systems  Not costed Report suggests that potential carbon savings have been considered in analysis, but overall potential carbon savings are not detailed in the report itself.
Falkirk Council-owned stock Grangemouth,Falkirk Town Centre, and Falkirk-wide Council data on building energy consumption; Site surveys for sample of buildings All 6 stages incorporated; prioritsation of buildings rather than designation of zones. Scenarios explored were:
  • 1. An action plan for achieving reductions in line with SG targets, and Net Zero by 2030.
  • 2. What would be achievable within existing council budgets
  • 3. Bridging the gap between expectation (1) and what could be funded (2)
Prioritise high emitting buildings for energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation measures (including heat pumps, biomass, and hydrogen (anticipated from 2030-2045)). Include some carbon offsetting to meet net zero targets by 2030 (prior to hydrogen roll-out).  Capital investment of £2.2million per year (over next 25 years), and additional £28,000 per year invested in carbon offsetting (for next 8 years – to meet Falkirk's Net Zero by 2030 target) Building emissions reduction of 63% by 2030, and 92% by 2045. Net Zero by 2030.
Fife Businesses (SMEs) Levenmouth (includes Leven, Methil and Buckhaven) Ordnance Survey; Scotland Heat Map; Spatial Data boundaries BEIS Sub-national MSOA Exoserve gas postcode NOMIS from the Office for National Statistics Business data (from internal Economic Development team) Resource Efficient Scotland Business advice and support service  This LHEES focused on engaging businesses, and developed data collection and analysis to better understand and target businesses. Because of this, the pilot was less suited to socio-economic modelling carried out, and no prioritisation of areas/ zones for a potential LHEES. There was no costing of potential future activities required under LHEES Recommendations to support future data collection and engagement with businesses, including:
  • Skills in sales and energy efficiency
  • Effectives times of day and strategies for engaging businesses
  • Suggestions for developing the RES service and opportunities for data collection
  • A role for Scottish Government in developing Community Planning Partnerships and Business Improvement Districts to include energy
Not costed Not quantified
Inverclyde Public sector buildings Inverclyde-wide Council provided data on consumption in their own buildings. Other public sector organisations were approached for information about their buildings.  The report outlines the 6 stages of LHEES as detailed in SG's 2017 consultation, but does not include any socio-economic assessment (Stage 4) because it focuses on public sector buildings. The setting of aggregate targets for heat demand reduction (Stage 3) is provided in Appendix B, along with the costing of potential measures on a building-by-building basis.   For council-owned buildings: Create Buildings Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat Plan. Building-by-building measures are suggested in Appendix B.    For council-owned buildings operated by third parties: Review the use of green leases; Ensure compliance with Building Regulations  For non-council owned public buildings: Set up LHEES working group; Encourage sectors to develop carbon management plans;  Share findings of heat network studies with public sector; Create supplementary guidance for Local Development Plans;  Ensure compliance with Building Regulations  Human resource (ongoing): £45,000 for an Energy Manager and £40,000 for a Building Standards Officer). Capital works: £180,000 for automatic meter reading; £1 - £1.5 million for low carbon heating solutions; two potential heat networks are costed, a wide area network for £11.5 million and a reduced area for £4 million. Costing for capital works on a per-building basis is also provided in Appendix B. Estimated potential savings from the wide area heat network are 3,170 tonnes CO2e and for the reduced area 1,770 tonnes CO2e. Potential savings from measures on individual buildings is also provided in Appendix B.
Midlothian** All buildings: privately owned; privately rented sector (PRS); social housing and non-domestic buildings Midlothian-wide Home Analytics; Scotland Heat Map; BEIS Sub-national MSOA; Corporate address gazetteer (from Midlothian Council) Elements of all 6 stages are included. The setting of aggregate short and long term targets (Stage 3) is limited. The report includes costing but not phasing of delivery programmes (Stage 6).  31% domestic (private?) properties suitable for wall insulation 82% privately rented properties suitable for energy efficiency or low carbon heating £59m and £11m for fabric and heating upgrades, respectively.  In the PRS: £8.1m and £8.5m for fabric and heating upgrades In 'willing to fund' sector: £16m and £40m  for fabric and heating upgrades 13% (overall) 17% (from PRS) 16% (from 'willing to fund')
North Lanarkshire Council Domestic and non-domestic buildings North Lanarkshire – wide, with detailed socio-economic analysis of exemplar areas: urban (Craigneuk Wishaw); suburban - on gas grid (Birkenshaw); and rural - off gad grid (Allanton-Newmains).   Home Analytics Scotland; Scotland Heat Map; Energy Performance Certificate register; National Records of Scotland (methodology for spatial aggregation of data). For socio-economic analysis, used: Portfolio Energy Analysis Tool (PEAT); LHEES Cost Database; BSRIA Rules of Thumb; HM Treasury's  Green Book (forecasting for utilities emissions and costs); Scottish Input-Output table (to estimate job creation) Elements of all 6 stages are included, but the report focuses on stages 1-4. Stages 1 and 2 are extensively detailed. Stage 3 includes recommendations for heat demand reduction and decarbonisation, but does not establish authority-wide aggregate targets; instead targets are set to be in-line with SG goals. Stage 4 (socio-economic analysis) is detailed in a separate report. There is some indicative costing provided (Stage 6) but this is based on broader, estimated figures. Taking the whole of North Lanarkshire's domestic sector into consideration, the report highlights semi-detached houses as a key focus area for energy retrofit; flats have the highest average EPC rating, and encouraging habitual behaviour change is recommended for this sector. The most common non-domestic building type in North Lanarkshire is retail/ financial/ professional services and these often use electric heating – so they are recommended for prioritisation. Estimated for 3 exemplar areas. Urban: £18.9m for a DH network; £978,000 - £28.5m depending on insulation. Suburban: £920,500 - £29m depending on insulation; £2.1m for gas combi boilers; £8.1m for biomass boilers. Rural: £1.5m - £46.3m depending on insulation; £9.2m for ASHP and £4.2m for GSHP. No costing for non-domestic. Domestic: 15% reduction through building fabric improvements; 35% reduction through decarbonised heat supply. Non-domestic: 20% reduction through building fabric; 70% reduction through decarbonising heat
Orkney Domestic buildings Orkney Islands Council - wide Council Tax Register; Private Sector Landlord Registration Database; Orkney Housing Association Limited; Scottish House Condition Survey; Home Analytics Scotland; National Records of Scotland; EPC Database; BEIS Sub-national total final energy consumption. Elements of all 6 stages were included. Stage 6 with the costing and phasing of delivery programmes was unclear. For example, although some costing of different heat technologies is included in the options appraisal, exactly how these could be phased out to properties in different areas of the Orkney Islands is not included. Further research into the best ways to decarbonise heating for different property types; develop a strategy for engaging with the non-domestic sector; enhance provision of advice for households; ensure coordination of various energy efficiency programmes already underway in Orkney; collaborate with Scottish and Southern Energy Networks to ensure grid readiness for decarbonisation. Estimated costing for individual technologies per property included, but costings not provided on an aggregate level. Unclear
South Lanarkshire Private rented sector (PRS); rural off-gas grid settlements Council-wide (PRS); specific off-gas areas Corporate Address Gazetteer; Heat Map; Home Analytics; Local Development Plan; Fuel Poverty Map; domestic and non-domestic EPCs; Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; Census 2011 data; BEIS gas/ electricity use  Stages 1 and 2 completed. The authority-wide setting of aggregate targets (Stage 3) and socio-economic assessment (Stage 4) have not been completed. There is some prioritisation of off-gas grid areas (Stage 5) and costing of delivery programmes (Stage 6).  63% of the PRS stock was identified as being suitable for energy efficiency or low carbon heating.  25% of domestic properties in South Lanarkshire are off-gas – these are suitable for air source heat pumps and solar PV. All potential upgrades within the PRS would cost £38 million. Some properties suitable for HEEPS:ABS and grant funding. Suggested improvements across all off-gas areas would cost £39 million Total CO2 savings of 7% and 10% Soth Lanarkshire's total domestic building emissions could be achieved from measures in the PRS and off-gas areas, respectively.  
West Lothian Council** SMEs, Public Sector Buildings and off-gas domestic properties Four off-gas grid areas: Breich, Newton, Westfield, Wilkieston, along with the Breich Valley Home Analytics; Postcode level energy use from BEIS; Corporate Address Gazetteer; Scottish House Condition Survey; Non-domestic EPC records Elements of all 6 stages are included. The setting of aggregate short and long term targets (Stage 3) is limited; the report includes costing but not phasing of delivery programmes (Stage 6). The report details potential energy efficiency improvements and low carbon heating for the four area considered. 27% domestic properties are suitable for wall insulation; 13% are suitable for air source heat pumps. Socio-economic analysis showed energy efficiency measures in Wilkieston as a priority.  £3.1 million for all possible fabric upgrades and £11.4 million for all low carbon heating upgrades. Costing only provided for domestic sector. Estimated 13% savings if all domestic upgrades are completed. Potential emissions reductions only provided for the domestic sector.

*The LHEES reports for Argyll & Bute and East Lothian were unavailable at the time of writing.
**Reviewed LHEES Technical Report from Changeworks – data analysis and all possible measures that could be taken, but no clear strategic prioritisation of actions through discussion with Council.



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